The background of this page is the cross we parents left at the accident site when we met after nearly 5 years.
We just barely spotted that weathered cross we left five years ago. After we nailed it back together we added it to our new memorial for the 10 year anniversary. It isn't pretty anymore but it is special to us. The bottom photo is the back of the plaque with the image Sara made for us. If someone decides to stop along this lonely desert highway, they can see our beautiful angels. There are, however, more than 100 little monuments along this road. The above image was made as a gift to us parents in honor of the ten year anniversary of our beloved children's arrival in heaven, by my dearest friend, Sara Duncan. Please visit her precious son Mark's page. Mark also left us on August 31 at 22 years old. If you would like to see beautiful photo imaging, please Click to visit Sara's page.
ANGEL HUGS HOME and all links
Please email Julane (Darren's mom) with any comments on these pages