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Memories of Mark, Our Precious Son, Our Special Angel

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This image was created utilizing a portion (the stairway), altered, of one of Danny Hahlbolm's magnificent spritual works of art entitled, "In My Father's House", used most appreciatively with Danny's gracious permission. Again, thank you, Danny.
To view Danny's works, Click here to see more of Danny Halmbohm's Inspired Spiritual Art

These pages are dedicated to our son's memory in gratitude for the joy he gave to our lives, and in some small way, to share him and the love we knew with those who view these special pages. Mark was instantly killed in a terrible single auto crash on 8/31/1997 at 3:30 am, that fateful moment he was presented his wings. He is accompanied permanently by a great part of our hearts. While we will forever ache with the absence of his physical presence and we miss him every minute of every day, until, in God's time, we meet again, our hearts are brimming with his memory and that of his great "light-up-the-darkest-of-night" smiles. I remain ever grateful for the ability to close my eyes, concentrate, and listen to his laughter.

     Mark's Photo Gallery
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               I Believe Page

Mark's Heaven's Day Page
May his light always brightly shine

Mark at 22

    A Fallen Limb

    A limb has fallen from the family tree.
    I keep hearing a voice that says,
    "Grieve not for me."

    Remember the best times, the laughter, the songs
    The good of my life I lived while I was strong.

    Continue my heritage. I'm counting on you.
    Keep on smiling and surely,
    The sun will shine through.

    My mind is at ease, my soul is at rest,
    Remembering all…how I was truly blessed.

    Continue traditions, no matter how small,
    Go on with your life,
    Don't just stare at the wall.

    I miss you all dearly, so keep up your chin,
    Until the day comes that we're together again.

    Author Unknown

The above photo was taken in the front yard in March, 1997, just after Mark's 22nd birthday. It is also the photo I chose to put on the front of the program for his funeral service (which explains the added text) just a few all too short months later. On the date the photo was taken, Mark, his beloved Natalie, and her adorable daughter, Amanda, were in a rush to get to the beach after we had been to church. I'm so thankful that Natalie helped me sit on him (not an easy task-patience was certainly not among Mark's many virtures) a while so that we could get photos taken. The poem, "A Fallen Limb", was brought to me by a very special relative (Thank you, Rachel!) and was also placed on the program for Mark's service.

Mark at 22

Herb and I with Mark, August, 1996 on a very happy day, a family outing to Galveston. A wonderful day--cherished memories.

Upon learning of Mark's passing, his best friend, Richie sat down and wrote this beautiful poem:

Thinking Of You

Between the horizons of the dawning morn,
the sun breaks the cooling night.
The colors of tranquil blues and warming yellows
cascade the backdrop of a new beginning.
A glorious light meets a new child
as he enters into the pearly gates,
a newly found kindred soul
that will be missed by many.
As I sit here and write of my childhood friend,
many thoughts drift through my head.
It is tough to define all of them,
but then an angel whispers in my ear,
A voice so familiar, it touches my heart
I then know he now rests his head in the arms of
our heavenly father.

Dedicated to the Memory of Mark L. Duncan
March 2, 1975 - August 31, 1997
by Richie Buffington ©1997

Happiness in Heaven, Mark!

(Borrowed words from another bereaved mom, an appropriate explanation to those who haven't lost children:

"I am sure that many people question why parents are putting memorial pages to their children on the world web. To some it may even seem unhealthy and inappropriate. It is of course a way to remember our children, but it is more than that. The only help a parent can find when they are grieving the loss of a child, is in the company of another who fully understands that loss. This grief is a total devastation of us and everything our life has been. It is horrifying enough to lose a child, but to go through it alone is unbearable.

Many of these pages are an effort to reach out and touch each other. Sometimes by sharing our thoughts we are able to give and receive comfort and help. If our words help even one person who has lost a child..... it is important and does deserve a place on the web. The internet is the best way to reach out and try to touch those who are grieving and need what little support and comfort we can offer each other. --Netta")

My precious Mark, you are forever in our hearts and we love you so!

If you didn't know Mark in life, I hope these pages will provide you with a feeling that you did. If you did know him, please share a memory. Your visits here are appreciated. It's nice to know who has visited. Please sign the guest book. Thank you for come again.

To My Angel Son, My Wish for a Sign at Mother's Day, by S. Duncan
It's Been Three Years, My Dearest Son, Mark, by S.Duncan

"And if I go, while you are still here. Know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure,
behind a thin veil you cannot see through. You will not see me so you must have faith. I can't
wait for the time when we can soar together again, both aware of each other. Until then, live your
life to the fullest and when you need me, Just whisper my name in your heart... I will be there."

~Emily Dickenson~


The mention of my child's name
May bring tears to my eyes.
But it never fails to bring
Music to my ears.
If you really are my friend,
Please, don't keep me
From hearing the beautiful music.
It soothes my broken heart
And fills my soul with love.

Written by: Nancy Williams
of TCF Central Jersey, NJ.

- Central New Jersey Chapter:


Lament for a Son, by Nicholas Wolterstorff


Angels, Mark & Whendy, Together Forever (Mark and his older sister, Whendy, lost before him)


I Believe Page

     Mark's Photo Gallery:      PAGE 2      PAGE 3     PAGE 4      PAGE 5
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Page Commemorating Mark's Fourth Heaven's Day Anniversary

Mark's Heaven's Day Anniversary Page

The lovely candle graphic used here is used appreciatively with permission of its creator, Sweetpea.

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