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Imbolc (February 2nd)

The gentle warm fingers of spring sunlight caress the Earth.
From her caring arms she releases the protected, youthful God.
He is playful and eager, fearing nothing and experiencing everything.
Finding His pleasures in every facet of the Earth.
As the chilling snow melts away,Their eternal love flourishes.
Causing the new grass to grow and the trees to bring forth blossoms.

Imbolc is also known as Feast of Torches, Oimelc, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan,
SnowDrop Festival, Feast of The Waxing Light, Brigids Day,Candlemas,
Festival of the lactating ewes, and probably by many other names.

"By torch and taper, bonfire bright; We woo the Sun on Imbolc Night."

Candlemas, Groundhog Day
February 2

Waxing Moon
Moon Phase...Second Quarter
Moon Sign...Cancer
Flowers...Violets & Primroses

Imbolc is a time of cleansing, of divination and renewal.
An excellent time for house cleaning and purification rituals.
Burning of the decorative greens you brought into the house at Yule is a tradition at this time.

All the land is wrapped in winter.
The air is chilled and frost envelopes the Earth.
But Lord of the Sun,
Horned One of animals and wild places,
Unseen you have been reborn of the gracious Mother Goddess,
Lady of all fertility.
Hail Great God!
Hail and welcome!


Imbolc Ritual







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