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Secretes of Magic

Here you will learn the lore of magic.

The dictionary defines magic as the use of means believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. And basicly that is exactly what magic is, but there are many kinds of magic and magic users.

Magic Users

Mages, Wizards, Witches, Sorcerers, Enchanters, Healers, Magicians and Illusionists

Mage is a general term for all people and creatures who wield magic. Usually a magic user is only called a mage when their status is unknown or if a generalization is being made about them.

Wizards are some of the most well known mages. They are all around mages and are most generally thought to wield all basic magic skills. Wizards are always male and always human or something very close to human. Wizards, as well as most magic users, have power over wind, fire, water and earth. Those four elements are the basis for almost all magic.

Witches are the most misunderstood, over stariotyped and most often wrongly accused of all the magic. First of all witches are not old hags with green skin and warts who sprout spells over a bubbling cauldren. Witches aren't horrible or scary at all, they're really just very in-tune with nature and the universe and that's where they draw their power from. They depend heavily on the seasons and moon's cycles and there is no such thing as a satanic witch because they don't believe in Satan. Most of all witches do things that help the enviroment around them and are nothing to be afaid of. (Witches are my favorite of the mages.)

Sorcerers are more advanced mages. They have more power than witches and are more refined than wizards. They can do most anything that their magic will allow them to and that is usually limited to their imagination and strength. They are the best fighters with magic and they are the most powerful. They can be either male or female, a men being sorcerer and a woman a sorceress.

Enchanters have limited magic. They can only cast spells on people, which range from making them see things to doing as their enchanter says. Most often non-humans are enchanters. Well known non-human enchanters are sirens, some elves and dwarves also fairies and nymphs.

Healers are maybe the most important and most unsung mages. They know herb lore and their touch can be like a miracle to those who are hurt. There isn't much to say about healers, they're pretty self explanitory.

Magicians and Illusionists aren't true mages. Even though magician is sometimes used to describe a mage I don't like to use it because magicians and illusionists don't really have magic. They use tricks to make it seem as though they do have magical powers.

Note: All information given on this page is my own speculation, none of it is really true. I am not a witch, sorceress or mage of any kind. I don't care what anyone says about me, it's not true!

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