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Sprite Griffins

One evening while sitting in bed reading I heard a gentle tap on my window and when I looked up I saw a very strange looking creature looking back at me. It was about the size of a large cat or small dog. I saw right away that it had wings with feathers and a bird like beak. It had light almost hair like feathers on the crown of it's head and also above it's beak. Although it had feathers it's body was covered in fur with the fur on it's belly being lighter. It had large eyes and above them darker fur that looked like eyebrows. It's fore paws had five digits including a thumb. Each finger had a long, sharp black nail. It's hind legs and feet were like a dog's and they too had sharp black nails. Then it flew away. Quickly while the image was still fresh in my mind I got out a pad of paper and drew what I had seen.

The creature has been back several times and I've started to call him Rex. A few times another one of these creatures has been with him. It's quite a bit smaller so I asume that it is female. I call her Whisper, ironically because she's so loud.

After much thought I've decided to call these creatures sprite griffins. They do seem to be a mix of a cat (or perhaps dog) and a bird, like a griffin. I call them sprites because they are quite playful and often destructive. More than once I've woken up and had to re-plant the flowers outside my window. They are very shy, but they seem to like me or rather my pet cockatiel. They sing back and forth to eachother. From what I've seen of them they are wonderful creatures who mean no real harm to anyone or anything.



My adopted gryphon--

Name: Wolf

Age: Egg

Owner: Ariel

Sex: Male

Breed: Gryphon

Brithplace: The City of Shar

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