CHAPTER 1 (The wrong side of right)

"Tymia,please i am beggin you please please please can we go to-"she cut Justin off mid sentence.

"NO!"she paced around the room as he bugged her about going to play basketball/

"Please?"he pouted as she slipped on her red high heels to match her red skin tight dress.

"No!"she yelled at him.

"But JC and Lance are,"he wined as she fixed his dark blue tie.

"I dont care Justin you cant go play ball right before i have to go meet you parents for the first time."she brushed her light brown hair to where the curls were perfect.

"Fine then!"he pouted and put on his coat.

"Dont be mean like that sweety. You know i would let you go play ball but i dont want anything to go wrong tonight or have you be smellin like a skunk while i eat my fish or shrimp or steak or whatever the heck i order. It's not that i dont want to kick but in basketball but i wanna make a killer impression on your parents.Do you get what i'm sayin,"she grabbed her purse.

"Yeah,I completely understand, and I will do that because I love you,"he smiled at her as his eyes twinkled for her.

"Can i tell ya one more thing,"he asked her as she sat next to him on the bed while he finshed puting his shoes on.

"Yeah,"she smiled.

"You are so hot in that dress and i think you will knock them out of there socks, and I am proud of you and proud that you are my gf and i never want you to forget that,"he smiled up at her when he was done tying his shoes.

"Thank you Jutsin,"she kissed him gently on his lips w/her red lip stick.

When he pulled away he looked at the time."Its time we leave,"he said gettin up.

Justin drove them to the resturant to meet his mom and dad.Little did she know she was gonna be instore for a huge surprise that would test their relationship.

BaCk To ThE fAn-FiCtIoN pAgE!