What is a Fairy?
A fairy is a creature that appears in two kinds of folk stories-legends and fairy tales.  Legends take place in the real world, and fairy tales occur in some imaginary land.  Legends are told as true stories, while fairy tales are told as fiction.  Actually, fairies appear in few fairy tales.  Most stories about faires are really legends.

Fairies have magic powers which perform both good and bad deeds.  They can fly, change shape and make themselves invisible to human beings.  Most fairies are usually helpful, but there are several who behave mischievously and occasionally act cruel.  We must keep in mind that the fairies are governed by a code of ethics far removed from our own.

We have no idea of the life span of a fairy.  We believe they are immortal, however, there have been sighting of fairy funerals.  Throughout history, stories of the same fairy looking and acting the same are told, we can best guess that the fairies life span is at least several hundreds of years.



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