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      Here is the HTML Fragment for your page. Just cut & paste it onto your page that will contain the WebRing. You will have to edit this generic HTML fragment to suit your site.

      *NOTE*: The easiest way to add the ring to your site is to use the Generated Fragment sent to you via E-Mail. This Fragment will have all the nessesary information needed. IE: site id #, ring id # ect.

      Although we understand that sometimes mail is lost in the system for days if not forever. That is why we provide you with the HTML below, but you will need to edit it by putting the following information in.

Go to the LOGOS section and download an Image!

The following replacements apply to this sample form:

--id-- Is = to Your Site ID

--url-- Is = to URL of your site

--title-- Is = to Title of your site

--name-- Is = to Your name

--mail-- Is = to Your E-mail address

Cut and Paste below HTML fragment!

<!-- Begin Poetry Pipeline HTML Snippet -->

      <TD ALIGN=center BGCOLOR="#000040"><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="pplwr.gif" WIDTH="175" HEIGHT="175" ALT="Poetry Pipeline WebRing" BORDER=0></A></TD>
      <TD ALIGN=center BGCOLOR="#A5DEE2">

This <A HREF="">Poetry Pipeline WebRing</A><BR> site owned by
 <A HREF="mailto:--mail--"></A><BR> --name-- <BR>
 <A HREF=";id=--id--;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</A> *

 <A HREF=";id=--id--;prev">Previous</A><BR> 

 <A HREF=";id=--id--;next">Next</A> *

 <A HREF=";id=--id--;next5">Next 5 Sites</A> <BR>

 <A HREF=";random">Random Site</A> *

 <A HREF=";list">List Sites</A><BR> 

 <A HREF="">Join Ring</A>

Go to Poetry Pipeline HOME Page!

Quill and Parchment


Last update 05/01/1999

Valid HTML 4.0!