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My heart felt thanks to Lorrie at Raven's nest for my banner!

I want to take a minute and welcome you to my piece of the web. My hope is to honor God and to prayerfully show that He is alive and well. Look around and have fun!

Why I use the name Pointman.

John 15:5

"I am the vine and you are the branches. If he remains in me and I in him, He will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing."

Since April 26th, 1999

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Awesome Christian Sites

Thanks and God Bless!

Page last 08/12/06

My thanks to Angelfire for the chance to spread God's Love!

To my knowledge,none of the graphics used on my site are copyrighted. If you find one or object to my having them shown here, Please e-mail me and let me know. Most of my links are Christian, however they still might have material on their site that I do not endorse. Thank you!

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