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Head Vs. Heart
Who's right in the fight over Michael?

I have to confess, GH has torn me completely in two over the recent custody battle in Port Charles. Generally speaking, I don't care for custody stories on soaps. They are dragged out way too long with well-defined good guys/bad guys and a predictable ending. What makes this new story different, is that I find myself constantly switching sides. Who is the villain? Who is right? Who am I voting for?

I am, of course, speaking of the fight over baby Michael that has pitted the rivaling Q. brothers, A.J. and Jason, against each other once again. Most soapfans saw this fight as inevitable on the night pregnant Carly showed up on Jason's doorstep. The Tony/Carly relationship was used up and we had already seen the lie planted that Jason was the father of Carly's unborn baby. How difficult was it to conclude that the biological father would turn out to be the only other man Carly had been with - a man who just happened to have unbreakable ties to Jason - his brother A.J? If the inevitable outcome was predictable, though, the path was not. I was never sure of when the truth of Michael's birth would be revealed. After all, I am still waiting to see if GH will ever decide to give Jason his memory back. Sometimes GH will sit on a story like this for years, and this patience is part of what makes the show great.

So, with the truth about Michael's parentage ever present in our minds, we watched Jason and Michael bond as father and son. This was always a little unsettling to me because, like it or not, Jason was knowingly keeping Michael from a father who had wanted him. For all his talk of respecting Michael as an individual, Jason made this life altering decision for a child who wasn't even his own. TPTB, (The Powers That Be), wanted us to think of Jason and Michael as father and son, though, and one thing they had on their side was the incredible connection between Steve Burton and those adorable twins who play Michael. Their scenes are so natural and spontaneous. I love to see how Steve reacts to the unscripted antics of those little guys, even more so as they've gotten older. As a viewer, I hope to see more of these scenes, and that can't help but factor into how I want the story to turn out.

On the other hand, I don't see how you can get away from the fact that lying to A.J. and keeping him from his son - a son he really wanted to love - was wrong. TPTB at GH have been doing such a heavy job of villainizing A.J. in the last few months, that it's hard to remember what he was like when Michael was conceived and born. He really wasn't a villain at all. When A.J. was living across the hall from Carly and Tony he was a true friend to Carly. It's understandable that he would be a little upset at the way she drugged him and nearly sent him into the alcoholic gutter again. Don't forget, it was that fact that inspired A.J. to threaten to keep Carly away from any child of his which, in turn, inspired her to flee to Jason for help. At that point, though, I was still thinking of A.J. as a pretty decent guy. He really wanted to be a father and it was the loss of this dream that sent him into the Edward Quartermaine school of blind ambition and greed. Now, it's hard to tell if he really wants to be a father or if he just wants the prestige of having the Quartermaine heir.

So, thanks to TPTB's careful manipulation and, to some extent, reshaping of the characters, I am completely torn. My head knows A.J. has a right to Michael, but my heart wants him with Jason.

Of course, I haven't really touched on the most pivotal role in this fight - Michael's narcissistic and delusional mother, Carly. Someone please tell me why I like this character so much! She is the orchestrater of more grief to the people in her life than their worst enemies ever could be. However, she is insufferably forgivable. Will Michael some day have to forgive her for keeping him from his biological father, A.J.? Or will he have to forgive her for causing him to be separated so long from the only father he knows, Jason? Like I said, unlike other custody battles on soaps, this one leaves no easy choice or predictable answer.

Before the custody trial begins, then, let's take a look at both sides

A.J: Michael's biological father
JASON: The only father Michael knows

A.J: Wanted a son and was willing to take full responsibility of raising him on his own
JASON:Never asked for a son but did take full responsibility of raising him on his own

A.J: Wants to keep Michael away from Jason in spite of what Michael may want
JASON: Wants to keep Michael away from A.J. in spite of what Michael may want

A.J: Is willing to let Michael live in the insane asylum that is the Q. mansion
JASON: Is willing to let Michael live under guard and in possible danger

A.J: Doesn't seem to have Carly figured out and keeps falling into her schemes
JASON: Does have Carly figured out and still falls into her schemes

It's not so cut and dried, is it? And the trial hasn't even begun. I'm sure both parties, not to mention Carly, have some surprises in store for us before it's over and it may be a long time before there are any answers. In the meantime, who do you think baby Michael should be with? Send an email to soapfanmag@aol. com with your vote and we'll see how well GH has divided its soapfans.


Article by Boo
Pictures by CurlyQgrl

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