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Don't make Liz forget "LUCKY"

Soapfans know the characters on their favorite show like members of their own family. We know how they behave, how they react to things, and even how they feel. Sometimes, though, for the sake of the story they want to tell, The Powers That Be (TPTB) will write a character to suit their own needs, regardless of their history. Now, all characters must change and grow to keep things moving and interesting. Good girls become bad girls, villains become heroes, and so on. We soapfans accept this when we can see the cause and motivation for this person's change of character. What we don't accept is when a character is suddenly acting like someone else for no reason. Don't TPTB know that we know who these people are and how they would react? Why do they think they can get away with rewriting people we know so well just overnight?

A perfect example of this is what many soapfans call "the deconstruction of Robin Scorpio." Many of us watched Kimberly McCullough grow up playing Robin on GH and fell in love with the love and loss she knew with Stone. There was a kind of protectiveness and loyalty with the fans where Robin was concerned. Even so, in the months before she left, more and more fans found they could no longer stand the sight of her. They wanted to remain loyal, but TPTB had so completely changed her character with no cause or motivation, that they forced many to turn on her. I hate that kind of manipulation! Don't get me wrong, I expect my soap to manipulate my emotions, but not to change the rules in mid-game. You can't suddenly decide that a character that has always been one way will suddenly be something else. The entire integrity of the show becomes a joke.

Many of us soapfans see the same tragedy being done to the character of Liz. It's true that Liz has gone through a lot of changes on the show. She's gone from a little brat to everyone's little sweetheart. She's gone from a loner on the outside looking in to being surrounded by friends. However, if there is one truth about Liz that was constant from the first day she showed up in Port Charles, it was that her sun rose and set on Lucky Spencer. He was the reason she stayed in town in the first place. She never had eyes for anyone else. She never had need for anyone else. Whether this was a healthy thing or not, he really was her entire world. When I first heard that Lucky would be killed, I pictured many different reactions from Liz. I pictured her becoming suicidal and angry at the world. I pictured her being in denial, even losing touch with reality and not believing that Lucky was dead (but it looks like Laura may have the next bed in Ferncliff). At the very least I pictured her learning how to stand on her own by holding on to Lucky's memory and even talking to him like he was still with her. As sad as it would be to watch, it would have also been great! We all know that Rebecca Herbst would have moved us to tears daily with these performances. What I never imagined, though, was that Liz would get over Lucky's death in a week or two and be giggling with her friends! TPTB are writing Liz as if Lucky were a school crush she had to get over and she never really needed him in the first place. Now there are even rumors of pairing her up with Nikolas. What makes things even worse is that TPTB have let us soapfans know that Lucky is still alive. So, in writing Liz this way, they are practically forcing us to feel she is betraying him! Now, I love Liz and I intend to stay loyal to her character. It grieves me, though, to see so many fans online already turning against her just as they did Robin. Liz was never a fickle, giddy, schoolgirl, (except for maybe a few silly scenes with Em). She has such rare depth and range, especially for a "teen" character. Why would she suddenly become so shallow after losing the love of her life? I fear GH is really going to suffer for this.

The good news is we soapfans do not have to feel helpless. This is OUR show, after all. WE, the fans, are what make GH possible. I, for one, don't want to see our beloved show ruin one of its best characters and destroy the integrity of one of its best stories, and there are plenty who agree with me. The L&L Brigade, an Internet community of devoted GH and L&L Jr. fans, has started a campaign to make their voices heard to TPTB:

The "Keep GH CHARMING" Campaign

Inspired by the "Polish up Port Charles" campaign, where Ned and Lois fans flooded the ABC studio with bottles of nail polish, they intend to flood the studio with Lucky Charms cereal. That should get their attention! While knowing that bringing Lucky back, at least Jonathan Jackson, is out of everyone's hands, we simply want to see the character of Liz having a normal reaction to his loss. The L&L Brigade hopes that all GH fans who feel cheated at the way Liz is being written will join the campaign. There is more information and letterheads available at The L&L Brigade Head Quarters.

Use your voice, soapfans! Let TPTB know how you feel!

Don't make Liz forget "LUCKY"


Photo by Sarah.
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