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Do They Know What They Are Doing???

....I have got to believe that they do. As a soapfan for 24 of my 25 years, I have to have faith that The Powers That Be (TPTB) at General Hospital, led by the great Wendy Riche and Bob Guza at that Hollywood studio, have a concrete plan that covers all of their bases. Now, with that said, I sure hope I'm right!

GH is sitting on the potential for their greatest adventure story of all time. Once again, they have reached into their treasure vault of the past and created a perfect blend of classic history and current favorites. The evil Cesar Faison has returned secretly from the dead and taken beloved Lucky Spencer prisoner, while convincing all of Port Charles the young man died in a fire. It's brilliant! The potential is limitless! Faison has all the power. He has complete control of Lucky. Luke is crippled with his grief and isolated from his allies. The Ice Princess has resurfaced. No one in Port Charles is unaffected, from the Quartermaines to the Scorpios. There are even rumors of Sonny having ties to Faison. By all means, we should be preparing for some major fireworks, especially when Faison plays his trump card and reveals that Lucky is really alive.....

But, wait - there is one little problem. Jonathan Jackson is leaving the show. How can you bring Lucky back from the dead with no Lucky?

The past few weeks the landscape of Port Charles seems to be transforming right before our eyes. A friend of mine made the comment, "I feel like it's a new place.... like I don't know that city anymore," and I knew exactly what she meant. All spring we'd been told the war between the Cassidines and Spencers was heating up and most of us were prepared for some dramatic way the young, Spencer heir was to be written off the show. However, as we plodded through the early spring months wondering where most of these stories could possibly be meandering to, were any of you prepared for the way one event turned the entire town upside down? I wasn't! Since that dramatic episode of April 16 that ended with Lucky's room in flames, every place has a different feel, from Kelly's to the Q. Mansion. Every relationship seems to be coming from a new place, whether it was Luke and Laura, or Carly and Jason. And every story line seems to have been rewritten over night. I don't know when the loss of one character has so completely affected every scene on a show.

It seems to me that GH has returned to it's gothic feel. "Gothic," I've always thought, at times, describes GH perfectly and sets it apart from other soaps. There tends to be a mood of mystery surrounding the every day events in Port Charles. The generations-old feuds, the presence of the mob, secret passages, bodyguards, masque balls, even the dark lighting of the docks all cast a gothic shadow over things. At other times, GH has focused a lot more on social driven stories like Stone's AIDS and Monica's cancer. Those were both fabulous stories I am thrilled GH chose to tell, but they were quite removed from the style and feel of the classic Ice Princess story, or Frisco and Felicia's Aztec adventures. A good soap, in my opinion, needs a variety of tones, like this. Now with this new story dominating the canvas of Port Charles, we have returned to the very dark and mysterious. The center of this story is still human emotions of grief and desperation, but it has also returned us to such mysterious elements as a high tech bunker/cell complete with "Star Trek" like sliding doors; hidden cameras keeping constant surveillance over the citizens of Port Charles; switched medical records to fake a death; and a madman who's returned from the grave to mastermind it all.

All of this has created a dark and gothic feel that, I, for one, am thoroughly engrossed in. I certainly don't want GH to fall into the trap that several other shows have of trying to outdo itself with more and more of the bizarre, "Outer Limits" type stunts - we accept the unrealistic on our soaps, but not the unscientific - but, there are so many different directions for this story to take if they continue along this path. Faison could turn Lucky against the people he loves: after all, wasn't mind control one of Faison's talents? He could use the fact that Lucky is alive to control both the Spencers and the Cassidines. The Spencers and the Cassidines, or at least Luke and Nik, might be forced to work together in order to get Lucky back. There are dozens of twists and turns they could take, just packing this story full of shock and mystery! Except, there is still that little problem I mentioned before:

Jonathan Jackson is leaving the show!!!

What is GH going to do with all of this if their Lucky never returns to finish the story? Everything about this story is centered on Lucky being alive. Why would they go through all of this and then kill him anyway? That would be ridiculous! So, how does Lucky come back from the dead when there is no more Lucky?

I know the word that is going through most of your minds right now. That dreaded soap word: RECAST. Yes, I suppose it's a possibility, but one I find very hard to take seriously. Recasting Lucky would almost be like recasting Luke! I just don't think it can be done successfully and, if I can see that, I'm sure those Powers that Be can too. I have heard it quoted that Guza is hoping and praying that Jonathan Jackson will come back to see this storyline through. That is, of course, what this soapfan is doing too.... with all my might! But, what if he doesn't? What will happen to this great, gothic adventure then?

Will a massive search for Lucky end when they discover that Faison has gone ahead and killed him, after all?

Will they wait 3 years, 5 years, or even 10 years and then bring Lucky back as a different person?

Will Lucky come back only to break Elizabeth's heart and leave again, similar to the tragedy of Frisco and Felicia?

Will the truth of that Lucky is alive just never come out?

I have to say that any of those choices would sacrifice the great, gothic storyline they have begun to create. And none of them would be very satisfying to the fans. Surely GH thought of all this and weighed all the options before taking this chance.... right? They must have a clever idea tucked away, a trump card to play in the eventuality that Lucky never returns to Port Charles. They have to! They can't leave Lucky a prisoner of Faison's forever! They can't expect us to watch Elizabeth move on without him! After all the pain we've already gone through with the residents of PC grieving Lucky, we deserve a glorious reunion! If GH can't pull that off.......

Do they know what they are doing?


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