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by: Leah Hammond

With the "death" of Lucky Spencer and the exit of Jonathan Jackson, GH fans have been in uproar over the recent way that the writers have handled Elizabeth's "mourning." However TPTB (The Powers That Be) have done a few things right with the rest of the story lines, one in particular.

Choloe's arrival in Port Charles has shaken up quite a bit and changed things for several people in Port Charles.

#1-She brought in Edward's letters to Lila from Milan. There are secrets hidden in those letters allowing Felicia to use her detective skills to look for those secrets. They also have brought a distraction to Luke from the grief of his "dead" son.

#2-Ned has seen the level of romance that his grandparents shared in the early years of their courtship and stepped up his relationship with Alexis.(It's about time!)

#3-She has helped Simon find romance with V. Chloe has helped along the romance that will finally find V and hopefully make her happy.

#4-She is helping Jax find love and happiness again.

The meeting of Jax and Chloe was like a dream. It is a reminder that love and romance can find you when you least expect it too.

The portrayal of Chloe by Tava Smiley is magnificent and enchanting. "Chloe" is so sweet, she can give the viewers a toothache. Her emergence into Port Charles is long over due. Her character should have graced our TV sets with her presence a long time ago. Many of us have waited for someone, with her personality no less, to put Edward in his place time and time again.

In closing, may I add that it is nice to see Jax happy. Many of us, including myself, loved the character of Brenda and miss her. But Jax and Chloe seem to make sense. They are very much alike while being different. Hopefully, TPTB won't ruin this love story-it has great potential.

~Leah Hammond

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