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SoapFans share their exciting adventures

Jonathan Jackson did a lot of traveling to promote his movie, "The Deep End of the Ocean," and some of our fellow soapfans got Lucky!

Gina, "I SAW JONATHAN JACKSON (LUCKY) AT PLANET HOLLYWOOD, NYC!!! I got to Planet Hollywood at about 12:30pm on Monday, March 8. The first thing I see is the sign outside the door that says JJ will be there at 1:00pm. I have my camera and my video camera with me. My dad shows up at 12:45 (the poor guy--he told his boss he had a backache and had to go to the doctors but in reality he went to take pics for me!) At 1:00pm on the dot, my dad, who's facing the entrance as we sat at the bar, tells me to turn around immediately and there was JJ walking in. He looked incredible! Those eyes are really gorgeous. He is led into a room with his brother and a few other people. That's when a small mob follows them (myself and my dad included) and waits outside the door. I get to the front and look to be the only person there with a video camera. I talk up the bodyguard who lets me stand in front and is so cool!! He was pushing a lot of people but since we had chatted, he was cool with me. Since I was by the door, I got to see JJ first as he walked out. Things get a little crazy then because people started shoving each other but it was all good! JJ came out, waved to us all and was smiling like crazy. It was a small crowd but a loud one. The cool thing is that since I was in the front and was holding a video camera, JJ kept looking at me. I didn't want to say anything to him since I knew I was recording so I just sort of waved to him a few times and smiled. I have a great shot of him walking back into the room where he raises his eyebrows at me and smiles cause I waved to him and signaled for him to look my way. I am jumping ahead though as usual. So, JJ was there to promote the movie and to donate the basketball he used in the film. Richard was there for moral support. The brothers were presenting for only about 10-15 minutes but they were adorable. So, after that, they go back into the room and the bodyguard escorts people away. They say he is doing interview in the back but will come out soon to sign stuff. I met an online friend and we talked until JJ came back out. He was so cute. My friend was the first to get to him and she handed him a picture and he signed it. Then I said, "Hey Jonathan. How are you" and he said, "I'm great thanks for coming out here." I asked him to sign my Clash CD and he was soooo excited. He was like, "Hey this is so cool that you have this." I told him that I thought it was great and he thanked me and said he was happy that I liked it. Then he started telling me that his new cd would be coming out in April and that it was called God Candy(like I didn't know:-)) and that he was totally psyched about it. Then we started talking a little more about the music and he said that he was happy cause the cd was going to be sold through this time so hopefully more people would get a chance to listen to it. He was so beautiful and amazingly sweet!! I'm being totally honest though. I was soo not nervous with him. He is so serene and calming. He is so mature for his age and it's amazing how grounded he is. I asked him to pose for a pic for me and he was said, "Of course." Another woman I met apologized to JJ cause she had seen him on Saturday in Mass. and she said to JJ that she was sorry she had disturbed him at the event cause when she approached him he wasn't in a happy mood. JJ then quickly apologized to her and said that he was sorry if he appeared less than happy. He said that he isn't a very smily person by nature(I think we can all attest to that) and that he was just zoning cause he hadn't slept in 24 hours cause of the blizzard. Anyhoo, he was very sweet. He was being rushed out though so I didn't get a chance to get a pic with him but I guess I'll have to do that at the Emmys!! Then his brother Richard came out and was SOOOO nice. I thought JJ was nice but Richard was a lot more outgoing. I said Hi to him and told him he was great on Ally Mcbeal and he was like, "Thanks so much-I had a lot of fun doing it." Then I asked him to sign the CD and he got really excited. Then he said, almost in the same way JJ did, "Ya know we have a new CD coming out next month called God..." and I finished his sentence and said, "Candy." Richard then laughed and I told him that JJ had just told me like ten minutes ago. I joked around with him and said that they were doing some nice P.R. work with their advertising and he said that he was just trying to "work it." He was very cute too. I got a great pic of Richard too cause I asked him to pose for me. Then the boys were whisked away. I think they had to jump back on a plane to get to Wisconsin within a few hours of this event. Oh, and guys, US magazine was there to interview JJ so it looks like he won't be our secret anymore"

Report and photos by Gina.
Pictures from the event available at Planet Hollywood Pics

Erica, "I WAS AT THE PREMIERE OF THE DEEP END OF THE OCEAN!My roommate and I drove 3 hours to attend the speical premiere in Madison Wisconsin, and the charity reception beforehand. When we spotted JJ at the reception, we began to observe the situation (ie: When would the best time to approach JJ be?) and we decided that approaching him sooner rathar than later was probably best. He was being interviewed all over the place, but then we saw him talking with (his brother) Richard, alone. BINGO! We approached him, introduced ourselves and said that we were fans of DEOTO (The Deep End of the Ocean) and that of course, we watched GH. I even shook his hand! Then we talked about DEOTO a little and I think I said that Vincent was my favorite character and that I was glad I read his section first. JJ said, "You read books from the middle?" I'm not sure what I said but I think it was, "Well, why would I want to read a book that I'm not going to like by the time I get to the middle?" (note: I didn't say "Why would I want to read the part that isn't about your character?") When he talks to you he does look right into your eyes. Wow. We asked if we could get a picture of JJ and Richard offered to take it but I said "Um, could we just get one alone first?" So, I took 2 pictures of JJ (click, click) alone and one of JJ and Richard. When JJ and I were getting our picture taken, we had an awkward moment where we didn't know if we should put our arms around each other and we sort of bumped into one another. I was trying to lighten up the situation so I said, "Well, hello!" like I was just seeing him for the first time. He laughed and my roommate took the picture. There were several presentations and speeches at the reception (none of which I remember) and then JJ went up to the pulpit to sing his song that he wrote for DEOTO. He said, "Well, I guess God's going to judge my pitch." He does this thing where he'll say something witty and then he'll smile quickly, like he's all proud of himself for making a joke. It's very cute. The song was very good and I ran out to buy the CD single in the lobby. After the presentations, or maybe it was before, JJ was sitting down and someone approached him to sign something. We then whipped out our programs from the SOD Awards and approached him to sign them too. My roommate wanted to ask JJ who else he would want to work with if he could. He said Maurice Bernard and Steve Burton. Then I said "Really? What about Sara Brown? You know, one thing I can't figure out is how you and Carly are cousins on the show and you never interact." I swear, he looked like that was the first time he had ever heard anything like that. But hey, it's true. We left the reception and went to the theater where the movie would be shown. There was a presentation with Jackie Mitchard and JJ. I guess he was supposed to sing at the theater, but he didn't. Then the movie started. After the movie, we were heading out of the theater into the lobby and they were giving out free paperbacks of DEOTO! I remember thinking that the night would be just perfect if we could just see JJ one more time. Then, there he was! He was signing the paperbacks in the middle of the lobby. I grabbed one and asked him to sign it. After he signed I said "Thanks. You were the best part of that movie." He smiled and said "thanks." While we turned to leave Richard said, "Oh, hey, it was nice talking to you guys," and smiled at us. I think I said, "Have a nice trip home."

Report and photo by Erica

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