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"Lucky's Love"

You found me on one dreadful night,
When I was hurt and scared.
You were my knight in shining armor love,
An angel sent you there

You took me home and sheltered me,
Protected me from harm.
It was then I found my safest place,
Wrapped up within your arms.

You stayed with me and watched me sleep,
When nightmares took control.
You held me tight and whispered,
Soothing words to calm my soul.

With each day I grew stronger,
But that was just the start.
Your eyes of blue lit up my world,
your smile mended my heart.

Your angel face and charming ways,
And youthful boyish grin.
Brought out the joy inside of me,
I'd buried deep within.

You gave me back my dignity,
And made me feel secure.
Your gentleness surrounded me,
And healed me to the core.

Then in one night my life was changed,
You kissed me and I knew.
That empty feeling now was gone,
Replaced with love for you.

We vowed our love forever,
Til death would part us Hon.
Oh how were we supposed to know,
Too soon that time would come?

You told me that you loved me,
And that you'd never leave.
But fate took that away from us,
And now I'm left to grieve.

You promised me a lifetime,
Of happiness and peace.
But now you're gone and once again,
My pain will never cease.

And as I look upon your portrait,
I struggled with so long.
I'll kiss your lips just one last time,
And cherish my first love's song...

"As you kneel beside your bed tonight
Keep a little prayer for me in sight
Know that I will be there when you call
Know that I will catch you when you might fall
Elizabeth, go to sleep,
I want to watch you breathe,
I want to feel God's peace
And all I want is this...


For more poems by Shari, email

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