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My GH obsession was reborn with the birth of Lucky and Liz. Granted I've only been watching soaps for one quarter of a century -- the sum total of my years on earth -- but judging from what I've seen, L&L Jr. rival even L&L Sr., the great Luke and Laura, as the most romantic couple in soap history. Their story has all the elements of a classic Romance: innocence, tragedy, and selfless love. When I think of them I can't help but find parallels between their story and another classic story of young love - perhaps the greatest love story of all time - William Shakespeare's, "Romeo and Juliet."

Now, at first some of you might think it's a bit of a stretch to compare a modern soap storyline with the work of one of the most celebrated playwrights of all time. However, a classic story is a classic story regardless of what medium it is presented in. In addition, you will have to admit the similarities are simply too numerous to deny. Just think about it with me for a minute.

Let's start with the setting. How different is Shakespeare's Verona from Port Charles today?

Verona had two powerful families dueling in the streets, the Capulets and the Montagues.
P.C. has the Spencers and the Cassidines.
Verona had the tough, fair-minded Prince Escalus trying to keep order in the city.
PC has Commissioner Mac Scorpio.
There was a masque ball held at the Capulet home in Verona where Romeo and Juliet first danced.
PC had a masque Bacchanalia at Wyndemere where Lucky and Liz first danced.

But that's just the beginning. Let's compare the characters of these two stories.

Romeo and Juliet were young and in love for the first and only time.
Lucky and Liz are young and in love for the first (and I'd like to think only) time.
Juliet was in love with Romeo at first sight, whereas he was first interested in Rosaline.
Liz was in love with Lucky at first sight, whereas he was first interested in Sarah.
Romeo rebelled against his family because he didn't believe in an age-old feud.
Lucky rebelled against his father because he didn't believe in an age-old feud.
Juliet was willing to leave her family to live with Romeo.
Liz was willing to leave her house to live with Lucky on the streets.

We can even get more specific than that. Look at how alike some of the events of the two stories are.

Romeo visited Juliet at the balcony of her bedroom window.
Lucky visited Liz through her bedroom window.
Romeo and Juliet gave each other a pledge in Juliet's room to be together forever.
Lucky and Liz gave each other a pledge in Lucky's room to be together forever.
Romeo and Juliet had a private, secret wedding ceremony in an empty church.
Lucky and Liz had a private, secret wedding ceremony in an empty church.

I'm sure most of us wish the comparison could stop there. Romeo and Juliet had a tragic end, and none of us want that for Lucky and Liz. No one could deny, though, that both stories make you ache inside and cry your eyes out. The similarities really are amazing! It makes you wonder if this is all coincidence or if it may have been intentional by the writers. It could be part of a pre-structured plan, but more likely it just shows there are certain elements that add to a good love story of any kind. However, is it really the balcony, the church, the first dance that make these two stories so equally unforgettable? No. It's seeing two people find their soul mates. It's the idea that there really is someone out there to love you just as you are. It's watching two people care more about the other than their own life. That's what makes Lucky and Liz a true love story that would make even Shakespeare proud.

Article by Boo
Photos by CurlyQgrl

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