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Hey there..... its been awhile..... and the site is kinda bare bones but oh well..... have fun anywho.....

Updated On: 9-16-03



Let me point out that i didn't cheat on either of the tests..... i answered truthfully and the following were my results. lol.

Lucius Malfoy

Which Death Eater Are YOU?
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Dunno who the lego guy is but there is no way he can be hotter than Lucius Malfoy.....

Want to Get Sorted?
I'm a Slytherin!

Slytherin! You're classy to the core, favoring the
traditionally finest things the world has to
offer. While you may or may not be evil *wink*
you certainly have the power and attitude to
get what you want. You're clever as all heck,
and tend to be a couple steps ahead of even the
most astute Ravenclaw.

A More Unique Hogwarts Sorting Quiz
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