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The Realm of StarDust

My little corner of the web! I am Fairy StarDust of the Site Fights and I live on a lake in Texas. My husband and I are raising his two sons (ages 16 & 13). My three grandsons (ages 10 years & 5 yr old twins) and their mother also live with us.

I teach dance and gymnastics classes for children. In 1999, I received the National Dance Achievement Award for 35 years of dedication to the art of dance.

I got my fairy wings.....WOOOO--HOOO!!!

This is "Fairy StarDust"
personalized for me by Magical Kismet. My favorite color is purple.

I was the "Mystery Fairy" in March 2000.

Click for Corpus Christi, Texas Forecast

Fantasy Fighters Official Greeting Team Leader


Click here to see my Fairy Gifts
Gifts from my Secret Light
Awards I've Won
Personal Webpage
Holiday Pages
~*~ StarDust ~*~ Spirit Garden
StarDust Spirit Page!


Land of Enchantment AngelFae's Chimera Dreams

Page created: 11/9/99
Last update: 1/13/2008

Site Fights Spirit Counter
New Counter Installed 1/01/2000


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