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~*~ StarDust ~*~ Spirit Garden

Every day I check my *Spirit Garden*
To see how it is growing.
To my surprise
Before my eyes
A little new growth is showing!

by ~*~ Fairy StarDust ~*~

Send a Spirit Flower!
My very first Spirit Flower reached
its full growth on 10/22/99.

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

My Site Fights Spirit Flower is from Wee One Kodie, Nov 1999.

Send a Spirit Flower!

This spirit flower is from Wee One Carousel, Nov 1999.

Send a Spirit Flower!

This Spirit Flower is from Wee One Surachild, Nov 1999.

The Millinium spirit flowers completed its growth on December 17, 1999.

Send a Spirit Flower!

On 12/19/1999, these two Spirit Flowers completed their growth.

Send a Spirit Flower!
Wee One Carousel sent me these four Spirit Flowers. They completed their growth on 12/20/1999.

Send a Spirit Flower!

Spirit Flower from Fairy Alma; received on 12/2/99.

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

These two flowers were sent by Della and Laura. They completed their growth on 1/22/00.

This "Spirit Flower" is from Fairy AmbRose. She sent it to me 1/20/00.

Send a Site Fights Growing Christmas Tree!

On 12/10/1999, my Christmas tree
completed its growth and was fully decorated.

The Realm of StarDust


Spirit Flower Gardens

Fairy StarDust owns this
Spirit Flower Garden.

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