Warning: this is a htmlized version!
The original is across this link. |
####### # # E-scripts on net-related things. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/a/e/net.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/net.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/a/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/a/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### ##### # # Select a fast Debian mirrors using netselect # 00jan12 # ##### # «debian_mirrors» psne $FDEBIAN/README.CD-manufacture psne $FDEBIAN/README.mirrors.html psne $FDEBIAN/README.mirrors.txt psne $FDEBIAN/README.non-US getlinks < $SDEBIAN/README.mirrors.html \ | grep ^ftp \ | sort | uniq \ | tee /tmp/debian-mirrors cat /tmp/debian-mirrors \ | perl -nle 'm%^ftp://(.*?)/% && print $1' \ | sort | uniq \ | tee /tmp/debian-mirrors- # (find-angg ".zshrc" "netselect") mynetselect $(</tmp/debian-mirrors-) tac < ~/o2 > /tmp/debian-mirrors-scores # (eeman "perlfaq5" "<OLD>") perl -e ' open(A, "< /tmp/debian-mirrors"); while (<A>) { if (m|^ftp://(.*?)(/.*)\n|) { $path{$1} = $2; } } open(B, "< /tmp/debian-mirrors-scores"); while (<B>) { if (m|\[(.....)\](.....) ms (...) hops.* ...% ok \((..)/10\) ([!-~]*)|) { print "[$1]$2 ms$3 hops $4/10 pkts $5$path{$5}\n" } } ' | tee /tmp/debian-mirrors2 head /tmp/debian-mirrors2 cp /tmp/debian-mirrors2 ~/odebian-mirrors # (find-fline "~/odebian-mirrors") # (find-fline "/tmp/debian-mirrors-scores") # (find-fline "/tmp/debian-mirrors2") # (find-fline "~/o2") # (find-fline "/tmp/debian-mirrors") # (find-fline "/tmp/debian-mirrors" "internap") # (find-fline "/tmp/debian-mirrors" "ssc") ####### # # netselect (old notes) # ####### # «netselect» # (find-vldifile "netselect.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/netselect/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/netselect/README.gz") # Debian mirrors: # cd /usr/doc/netselect/examples/ netselect -vvv $(cat debian-ftp-mirrors) |& tee ~/o agrep ' ok ' < ~/o \ | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", substr($0, 73), substr($0, 39, 33), substr($0, 1, 37)}' \ | sort -r \ | tee ~/o2 # (find-fline "~/o2") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/netselect/examples/debian-ftp-mirrors") # (find-fline "/big/slinkb1/README.mirrors.txt") # CPAN mirrors: # getlinks < $S/http/www.perl.com/CPAN/SITES.html |& tee ~/o3 perl -nle 'm%.*://([.0-z-]+)/.*% && print $1' < ~/o3 | sort | uniq > ~/o2 netselect -vvv $(<~/o2) |& tee ~/o agrep ' ok ' < ~/o \ | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", substr($0, 73), substr($0, 39, 33), substr($0, 1, 37)}' \ | sort -r \ | tee ~/o2 # (find-fline "~/o2") # (find-fline "~/o3") ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/perl/CPAN/ pdsc /debian/dists/slink/main/source/net/netselect_0.2-3.dsc cd /usr/src/netselect-0.2/ make |& tee om # Uh-oh - it's suid root, can't install it at my university account # Novo esquema: # (find-fline "~/.zshrc" "netselect") mynetselect $(cat /usr/doc/netselect/examples/debian-ftp-mirrors) # (find-fline "/big/slinkb1/README.mirrors.txt") ##### # # potato snapshot # 00jan?? # ##### # To make a machine at my university download a potato snapshot... anonftp ftp-mirror.internap.com 'cd pub/debian' \ 'cd dists/potato/main/binary-i386' anonftp debian.ssc.com 'cd pub/debian' \ 'cd dists/potato/main/binary-i386' (wget -nv -r -l 20 \ ftp://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/ \ |& tee ~/ow) (wget -nv -r -l 20 \ ftp://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-all/ \ |& tee ~/ow2) (I=ftp://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/debian wget -nv -r -l 20 $I/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/2.2.4-2000-01-03/ \ |& tee ~/ow3) # How much space would it take? Make an educated guess: cd $SDEBIAN/ cat ls-lR.i | grep dists/potato/main/binary-i386 \ | nolinks | grep -v '^ ' | tee ~/o awk '{total += $1} END {print total}' < ~/o ####### # # dip + expect # ####### # (find-fline "~/bin/inx.dip") # (find-fline "~/EXPECT/inx") port ttyS2 speed 115200 netmask reset # Meu string de inicializacao para o USR Sportster 14400: # send ATL3&A3&B1&H1&R2&S0=0X3\r wait OK 1 send ATDT///////5126882\r # inx: 512-688[012349] # 512-689[0126789] # 512-690[456] wait CONNECT 60 if $errlvl != 0 goto error login: wait rname: 10 edrx: # wait 1 # send spg\r send edrx\r if $errlvl != 0 goto error wait ord: 10 if $errlvl != 0 goto error send xxxxxxxx\n wait ing\sPPP if $errlvl != 0 goto error done: print CONNECTED $locip ---> $rmtip loggedin: default done: print CONNECTED to $remote with address $rmtip mode PPP exit error: print PPP to $remote failed. ############# # # Uploading my page # ############# cd ~/ZHTML/ make clean make rmt mv rmt.tgz .. make clean cd ~/ZHTML/ make cd ftp $SACI <<EOF hash on put rmt.tgz quit EOF # # to be run on boto: # rm -Rv ~/public_html/* cd ~/public_html/ tar -xvzf ~/rmt.tgz mv -v escripts/secret.e .. ln ../xaster-1.00.tar.gz . # (find-fline "~/ZHTML/Makefile") # (find-fline "~/ZHTML/") # function T () { rm -v ~/ZHTML/$1 cp -s $2 ~/ZHTML/$1 } T configs/.emacs ~/.emacs T configs/.fvwmrc ~/.fvwmrc T configs/.mapleinit ~/.mapleinit T configs/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc T configs/.zshrc ~/.zshrc T configs/XF86Config.angg ~/XF86Config.angg T configs/defkeymap850b.map /home/replace/defkeymap850b.map T configs/rc.local ~/bin/rc.local T emacs/bucket.el ~/CRIM/bucket.el T emacs/gslab.el ~/CRIM/gslab.el T icon/dednat.icn ~/ICON/dednat.icn T icon/gsops.icn ~/ICON/gsops.icn T icon/header.icn ~/ICON/header.icn T icon/sne.icn ~/ICON/sne.icn T icon/zhtml.icn ~/ICON/zhtml.icn T icon/zinc.icn ~/ICON/zinc.icn T icon/zlib.icn ~/ICON/zlib.icn ######## # # Testing it # ######## rm -Rv ~/oo mkdir ~/oo cd ~/oo wget -R gz -r http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/~edrx/ |& tee o # (find-fline "~/oo/o") rm -Rv ~/oo ####### # # wget 1.5.2 # ####### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv wget-1.5.2/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/sunsite.auc.dk/ftp/pub/infosystems/wget/wget-1.5.2.tar.gz cd /usr/src/wget-1.5.2/ ./configure --disable-nls --prefix=/usr |& tee oc # # lynx doesn't like "~" as "%7E", remove it from URL_UNSAFE # (find-fline "/usr/src/wget-1.5.2/src/url.c" "URL_UNSAFE") # make |& tee om cd /usr/src/wget-1.5.2/ make install |& tee omi # (find-wgfile "src/url.c" "convert_links") ####### # # wget 1.5.2: bug on RH, "Cannot determine user-id." # ####### cd /usr/src/wget-1.5.2/src/ gcc -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSYSTEM_WGETRC=\"/usr/etc/wgetrc\" -DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/share/locale\" -Wall -Wno-implicit -E host.c > host.E # (find-wgfile "src/host.E" "Cannot") # (find-wgfile "src/utils.c" "pwd_cuserid") cd ~/C/ cat > pwuid.c <<'---' #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { struct passwd *pwd; pwd = getpwuid (getuid ()); printf("%d\n", pwd); if (!pwd || !pwd->pw_name) exit(1); printf("%s\n", pwd->pw_name); } --- gcc -o pwuid pwuid.c ./pwuid ####### # # wget 1.5.3 (on boto) # ####### psne ftp://sunsite.auc.dk/pub/infosystems/wget/wget-1.5.3.tar.gz cd $USRC/ rm -Rv wget-1.5.3/ tar -xvzf $S/ftp/sunsite.auc.dk/pub/infosystems/wget/wget-1.5.3.tar.gz cd $USRC/wget-1.5.3/ ./configure --disable-nls --prefix=/usr |& tee oc # # lynx doesn't like "~" as "%7E", remove it from URL_UNSAFE # (find-fline "$USRC/wget-1.5.3/src/url.c" "URL_UNSAFE") # (find-fline "$BUSRC/wget-1.5.3/src/url.c" "URL_UNSAFE") # cd $USRC/wget-1.5.3/ make |& tee om cp src/wget ~/bin-Linux/ ###### # # wget 1.5.3 (slink) - hacking # ###### # «wget_hacking» # The basic patch is at: # (find-es "slink" "wget_patch") # Check that apt installed the patched version. # (find-fline "/usr/src/.debs/") # (find-vldifile "wget.postinst") # How I got the input for "patch": #cd /usr/src/wget-1.5.3/src/; cp -iv url.c url.c~ # lynx doesn't like "~" as "%7E", remove it from URL_UNSAFE # (find-wgfile "src/url.c" "URL_UNSAFE") #diff url.c~ url.c | tee ~/o # # Now for some heavier debugging. # # (find-fline "~/GDB/.gdbinit.wget") # (gdb "gdb -x ~/GDB/.gdbinit.wget") cd /snarf/http/ wget -r -nc -k http://hypatia.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/html/authors.html # (find-wgtag "convert_links") # (find-wgtag "convert_all_links") ####### # # urlget 3.12 # ####### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv urlget-3.12/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/www.inf.ufrgs.br/~sagula/urlget-3.12.tar.gz cd /usr/src/urlget-3.12/ make |& tee om ##### # # ssh # 99dec04 # ##### # «ssh» psnedebfrom $FNUDEBIAN <<'---' 31708 dists/slink/non-US/source/ssh_1.2.26-1.2.diff.gz 578 dists/slink/non-US/source/ssh_1.2.26-1.2.dsc 1005284 dists/slink/non-US/source/ssh_1.2.26.orig.tar.gz --- pdsc $SNUDEBIAN/dists/slink/non-US/source/ssh_1.2.26-1.2.dsc cd /usr/src/ssh-1.2.26/ debian/rules binary |& tee odrb mv -v /usr/src/ssh*.deb /usr/src/.debs/ apt-update apti ssh ssh-askpass # (find-vldifile "ssh.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/ssh/") # (find-vldifile "ssh-askpass.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/ssh-askpass/") # (find-sshfile "") # (find-sshfile "odbp") # (find-sshfile "debian/") # (find-sshfile "README") # (eeman "ssh" "third authentication method") # (eeman "ssh-agent") # (eeman "ssh-add") # (eeman "make-ssh-known-hosts") ##### # # The dummy net device # ##### # (find-k22file "Documentation/Configure.help" "Dummy net driver") # (find-k2file "drivers/net/loopback.c") # (find-k2file "drivers/net/dummy.c") insmod $MODULES/dummy.o ifconfig dummy up ifconfig dummy down route add -net netmask dev lo route add netmask gw localhost dev lo route del /etc/init.d/netstd_init stop /etc/init.d/netbase stop /etc/init.d/netstd_misc stop /etc/init.d/netstd_init start /etc/init.d/netbase start /etc/init.d/netstd_misc start ###### # # News # ###### (load-library "gnus") # (find-node "(gnus)Summary Post Commands") # (find-node "(gnus)Article Caching") # (find-efile "gnus.el") # (find-efile "nntp.el") cd /usr/share/emacs/19.34/lisp/ agrep '^\(' nntp.el # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.software.readers/") # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.software.readers/Gnus_(Emacs_Newsreader)_FAQ" ": Q1.12") ###### # # Sending mail with the correct "from" field # ###### sendmail -fFritz.Cohen@somewhere.zz -Fedrx edrx@mat.puc-rio.br <<'EOF' blip blip poo EOF (find-efile "sendmail.el") (find-enode "Sending Mail") (find-etag "mail-send") (find-etag "sendmail-send-it") ####### # # sendmail configuration (RedHat; old) # ####### # «sendmail_conf_rh» # I use "DMmat.puc-rio.br" # (find-fline "/etc/sendmail.cf" "my official domain name") # (find-fline "/etc/sendmail.cf" "\nDM") # (find-fline "/big/a42/live/usr/doc/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES" "masq") # (find-sendmfile "cf/README" "who I claim to be") # (find-sendmfile "cf/README" "TION To M4") # (find-sendmfile "src/conf.c") # (find-sendmfile "src/macro.c" "DEFINE --") # (find-sendmfile "src/main.c" "\ninitmacros") groff -Tascii -me /big/a42/live/usr/doc/sendmail/doc/op/op.me | l /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.init stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.init start ####### # # sendmail configuration (Slink) # 00jan11 # ####### # «sendmail_conf» # (find-vldifile "sendmail.list") # (find-vldifile "" "sendmail") # (find-vldifile "sendmail.postinst") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/sendmail/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/sendmail.cf/feature/") # *ARGH*, I lost fetchmail'ed mail due to a misconfigured sendmail! # I have to be much more careful the next time... # (find-vldifile "s ######## # # Sniffit 0.3.5 # ######## cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv sniffit.0.3.5/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/files/sniffit.0.3.5.tar.gz cd sniffit.0.3.5/ tar -xvf /snarf/http/reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/files/sniffit.0.3.5.p1.tar patch < sniffit.0.3.5.patch.1 |& tee op cp -v sniffit.5 /usr/man/man5/ cp -v sniffit.8 /usr/man/man8/ cp -iv /home/root/config.cache . ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om # using: # (find-fline "/usr/src/sniffit.0.3.5/README.FIRST" 160) # (find-fline "/usr/src/sniffit.0.3.5/PLUGIN-HOWTO" 155) sniffit -t @ -a -b -d -x |& tee o sniffit -t @ -a -b |& tee oasc sniffit -M1 -N -P UDP -t @ ####### # # old java links # ####### http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/docs/faq/FAQ-java-linux.htm http://www.cs.utsa.edu/research/plss.html http://www.redhat.com/linux-info/jolt/ http://www.transvirtual.com/kaffe/ http://www.transvirtual.com/kaffe/faq.html http://www.webteacher.com/javatour.htm http://www.best.com/~pvdl/javafaq.html http://www.lesstif.org/ http://www.bcpl.lib.md.us/~jspath/usenet-newbie.html ########## # # ppp over minicom # ########## (find-fline "/usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/PPP-over-minicom" 107) (find-fline "/etc/ppp/options") (write-heredoc "/etc/ppp/mini_options") asyncmap 0 lock defaultroute noipdefault crtscts modem EOF # Why? Well, strace'ing dip we see this: # # execve("/usr/sbin/pppd", ["pppd", "-detach", "defaultroute", # "noipdefault", "crtscts", "modem"], [/* 38 vars */]) = 0 # # which, by the way, corresponds to this source line: # # (find-fline "/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/dip-3.3.7o/ppp.c") # # I don't remember where did I get the asyncmap/lock lines from, maybe # (find-fline "/c1/home/root/Tips/PPP-Client-HOWTO-11.html" 118) # (find-fline "/c1/home/root/Tips/PPP-Client-HOWTO-14.html" 71) # (find-fline "/c1/home/root/Tips/PPP-Tips-7.html") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/PPP-HOWTO-12.html") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/PPP-HOWTO-13.html" 52) # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/PPP-HOWTO-26.html" 118) # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/ISP-Hookup-HOWTO-6.html" 31) /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/mini_options < /dev/cua2 > /dev/cua2 & laf -R /var/lock /var/run Esse é o do INX: (write-heredoc "/etc/resolv.conf") search . nameserver EOF Esse é o do Plugue: (write-heredoc "/etc/resolv.conf") search . nameserver nameserver EOF cd /etc/rc.d/init.d/ /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet start smtp mail.plugue.com.br pop mail.plugue.com.br ########### # # netscape 3.01 gold, a.k.a. "Bus Error" # ########### # It's silly to unpack the netscrap binaries in the /usr/src/ # directory, but I put everything there, so... # ftp://archive.netscape.com/archive/index.html rm -Rv /usr/src/netscape mkdir /usr/src/netscape/ cd /usr/src/netscape/ tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/archive.netscape.com/archive/navigator/gold/3.01/unix/unsupported/netscape-v301-export.x86-unknown-linux-elf.tar.gz mkdir ~/.netscape/ ln -s /usr/src/netscape/java_301 ~/.netscape/ # (find-fline "$HAI/../../Contents") cd ~/HASH dpkg -i libc5 xlib6 dpkg -i xpm4.7 ############ # # grail 0.3 # ############ cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv grail-0.3/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/monty.cnri.reston.va.us/grail-0.3/source/grail-0.3.tar.gz ###### # # less (at saci) # ###### mkdir -p ~/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu cd ~/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu wget ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/ wget ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/less-332.tar.gz rm -Rv ~/less-332 cd ~ tar -xvzf ~/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/less-332.tar.gz cd ~/less-332/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om cp -iv less ~/bin-AIX/ ######### # # apache-1.3.0 (with -g) # ######### debsource /debian/main/source/web apache 1.3.0 -2 # (find-apafile "debian/rules") # find * -type f | glimpseindex -H . -F make -f debian/rules stamp-configure |& tee omsc make LDFLAGS_SHLIB="-Bshareable -lc" OPTIM="-g" |& tee om debian/rules binary |& tee odrb # Parece que o debhelper stripa os binários... # (find-apafile "odrb" "dh_strip") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/debhelper/") # Só que eu me lembrei que os cgis não podem ser owned by root, e isso # resolve o problema. O debugamento fica para outro dia. # (find-apafile "src/main/http_protocol.c" "You don't") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lsof/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lsof/00QUICKSTART.gz" "\n13.") # (find-fline "/var/run/") # (find-fline "/var/run/apache.pid") ps ax --sort=pgrp pstree -pu mycat /var/lib/dpkg/info/apache.* # (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/examples/") # (find-fline "/var/log/apache/error.log") ######## # # devinfo # ######## # (find-fline "/snarf/http/sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/ls-lR" "devinfo.tar.gz") # (find-fline "$SUNSITE/ls-lR" "devinfo.tar.gz") rm -Rv /usr/src/devinfo/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $SUNSITE/system/network/misc/devinfo.tar.gz cd /usr/src/devinfo/ gcc -o devinfo devinfo.c gcc -o gethost gethost.c gcc -o netmath netmath.c cp -v *.8 /usr/man/man8/ cp -v devinfo gethost netmath /usr/bin/ ######## # # configuring hostname, ip address, etc # ######## man ifconfig man route man netstat # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network") find /etc/rc.d/ /etc/sysconfig/ -type f man init # (find-fline "/etc/inittab" "si::") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network") # (find-fline "/var/log/dmesg") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network") # (find-node "(zsh)Array Parameters") F=(`find /etc/rc.d/ /etc/sysconfig/ -type f`) agrep route $F agrep ifconfig $F agrep netstat $F agrep -l 'ifconfig|netstat|route' $F ##### # # plip device # ##### # O que é o tal do device plip0? É um symlink? cd /cdrom/ cp -diPv $(<<'---' debian/main/source/base/makedev_1.6-32.diff.gz debian/main/source/base/makedev_1.6-32.dsc debian/main/source/base/makedev_1.6.orig.tar.gz ---) / debsource /debian/main/source/base makedev 1.6 -32 # (find-k2file "Documentation/devices.txt") # (find-k2file "include/linux/major.h") # (find-fline "/etc/devinfo") # (find-fline "/etc/makedev.cfg") man devinfo man makedev.cfg # (find-k2file "drivers/cdrom/mcd.c" "MAJOR_NR") # (find-k2file "drivers/cdrom/mcd.c" "register_blkdev(") # (find-k2tag "register_blkdev") ####### # # cipe # ####### # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") cd /proxy/home/var/src/cipe-1.0.0/ insmod cip3b cd ~/cipe-1.0.0/ ciped telnet 12345 telnet ps ax | grep cipe # (find-fline "/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/") # (code-c-d "cipe" "/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/" "/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe") # (find-cipenode "Top") # (find-cipenode "insmod") cd ~ rm -Rv cipe-1.0.0/ tar -xvzf /proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe-1.0.0.tar.gz cd ~/cipe-1.0.0/ make |& tee om cd / tar -cvzf ~/r2hsep3.tgz /proxy/etc/cipe /etc/cipe ~/CRIM/009ideas \ /proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe-1.0.0.tar.gz Problemas: não sei usar o kerneld, o msdos.o depende de um monte de módulos, não sei configurar o empilhamento automático, etc. O apache está reclamando de estar proibido de rodar os cgis. Quero ser capaz de carregar arquivos dos CDs da Debian mais facilmente. Quero ser capaz de mudar o repeat rate do teclado. O samba depende de uns pacotes básicos, como pam0 e libc5; quando eu tento intalá-lo eu me embaralho. Qual o modo standard? Dar um jeito de lidar com as dependências. Apagar as coisas desnecessárias da Debian do amendoim. ###### # # cipe at angg # ###### rm -Rv /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf ~/cipe/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe-1.0.0.tar.gz cd /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/Make") # (find-node "(make)Top") # (find-node "(make)Overriding") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") make MODVERSIONS= |& tee om cp cipe.info /usr/info/ # # Esses são os que funcionam (ou pelo menos funcionaram na terça na raven): # telnet 12345 telnet 12345 kill $(ps ax | grep 'cip[e3]' | awk '{print $1}') rmmod cip3b ifconfig route ps ax | grep 'cip[e3]' cd /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ insmod cip3b.o ciped ping cd /var/log/ cat daemon.log kern.log messages syslog | grep -i 'cip[e3]' | sort | tail -n 100 perl # (find-k2file "Documentation/Configure.help") CONFIG_IP_FORWARD CONFIG_NET_IPIP # (find-fline "~/cipe/proxy/etc/cipe/") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") # (find-fline "/var/log/daemon.log" "ciped") # (find-fline "/var/log/kern.log") # (find-fline "/var/log/messages") # (find-fline "/var/log/syslog") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ciped.c" "kxchg: recv") cd /var/log/ grep -i 'cip[e3]' daemon.log grep -i 'cip[e3]' kern.log grep -i 'cip[e3]' messages grep -i 'cip[e3]' syslog telnet 12345 telnet 12345 route del route del route add cip3b0 # route add cip3b0 ping -c 5 ping -c 5 # (find-node "(cipe)Top") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") cd /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ insmod cip3b.o ciped ps ax | grep ciped cat /proc/modules sleep 2 ifconfig route lynx lynx telnet ol24-219.openlink.com.br 12345 telnet 10minutos.openlink.com.br 12345 # ol24-219.openlink.com.br: <- maus # 10minutos.openlink.com.br: ####### # # wwwoffle # ####### # (find-fline "/var/lib/dpkg/info/wwwoffle.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/wwwoffle/") # (find-fline "/etc/wwwoffle.conf") # (find-fline "/var/spool/wwwoffle/") pdsc /debian/main/source/web/wwwoffle_2.1c-1.dsc cd /usr/src/wwwoffle-2.1c/ etags *.[ch] # (code-c-d "wo" "/usr/src/wwwoffle-2.1c/") # (find-wotag "main") # (find-wofile "wwwoffled.c") # (find-wofile "upgrade-cache.c") # (find-fline "~/.zshrc" "wwwoffle") export http_proxy=http://localhost:8080/ export ftp_proxy=http://localhost:8080/ Set the environment variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy to http://localhost:8080/ # (find-fline "/var/lib/dpkg/info/lynx.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lynx/") # (find-fline "~edrx/.netscape/preferences.js") user_pref("network.proxy.http", "localhost"); user_pref("network.proxy.http_port", 8080); mail majordomo@gedanken.demon.co.uk <<'---' subscribe wwwoffle-users --- mail majordomo@gedanken.demon.co.uk <<'---' auth 68101fda subscribe wwwoffle-users edrx@inx.com.br (Eduardo Ochs) --- ##### # # Links between dirs of Debian mirrors # (old) # ##### ftp://riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian/debian ftp://riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian/debian-non-US psne ftp://riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian/debian-non-US/ls-lR.gz function mksymlink () { mkdir -p $1 && cd $1 && [[ ! -e $2 ]] && ln -s $3 $2 && echo ok. && laf } mksymlink $S/ftp/riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian debian \ $S/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian mksymlink $S/ftp/riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian debian-non-US \ $S/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian-non-US mksymlink $S/ftp/slug.ctv.es debian \ $S/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian psne $FDEBIAN/ls-lR.gz cd $SDEBIAN gzip -dv ls-lR.gz ~/ICON/lslR2find < ls-lR > ls-lR.i agrep non-free ls-lR.i | nolinks > ls-lR-nf.i ####### # # weblint # ####### # «weblint» # (find-es "net" "latte") # (find-vldifile "weblint.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/weblint/") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/weblint") cd ~/latte/ weblint out/*.html cd ~/latte/ weblint out/ ####### # # linbot # ####### # (find-vldifile "linbot.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/linbot/") lynx /usr/doc/linbot/index.html ####### # # allowing anonymous ftp # ####### # (eeman "ftpd" "authenticates") rm -Rv /home/ftp mkdir /home/ftp cd /home/ftp mkdir bin etc pub lib cd /home/ftp/bin ln -v /bin/ls /sbin/ldconfig . cd /home/ftp/lib ln -v /lib/libc.so.6 /lib/libc-2.1.1.so . ln -v /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /lib/ld-2.1.1.so . cd /home/ftp/etc cp -iv /etc/passwd /etc/group . chroot /home/ftp /bin/ldconfig /lib chroot /home/ftp /bin/ls ~/EXPECT/anonftp dir quit # (find-fline "/etc/passwd" "ftp") ##### # # libpcap # ##### apti libpcap0 libpcap-dev # (find-vldifile "libpcap0.list") # (find-vldifile "libpcap-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/libpcap0/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/libpcap-dev/") pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/libs/libpcap_0.4a6-2.1.dsc cd /usr/src/libpcap-0.4a6/ ##### # # ppp to the same machine # 99sep27 # ##### # «ppp_to_the_same_machine» # (find-es "modem" "patna_to_angg") # (find-k2file "Documentation/") # (find-k2file "Documentation/devices.txt" "pty") expect -c ' set timeout -1 spawn /usr/sbin/pppd crtscts noproxyarp set serv $spawn_id spawn /usr/sbin/pppd defaultroute noipdefault crtscts noproxyarp set client $spawn_id interact { -input $serv -output $client -input $client -output $serv -input $user_spawn_id "ii" {spawn ifconfig; expect eof} "ps" {send_user [exec ps ax | grep ppp]\n} "qq" {exit} } ' # Aaargh, it's complaining about a loopback pdsc /big/slinks1/dists/slink/main/source/base/ppp_2.3.5-2.dsc cd /usr/src/ppp-2.3.5/ agrep 'Serial line is looped back' $(find *) # (find-fline "/usr/src/ppp-2.3.5/FAQ" "Serial line is looped back") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ppp-2.3.5/pppd/lcp.c" "Serial line is looped back") # (find-fline "/var/log/" "ppp") # (find-fline "/var/log/ppp.log") About PPPing to the same machine Hi, I'm trying to devise a simple way to let people connect to the same machine using PPP to let them experiment with access permissions, firewalls, sniffers, etc, without requiring them to have more than one physical machine. But -- as always -- I'm running on lots of problems. I'm using ppp-2.3.5 on Linux, with kernel 2.0.37; I'm using the Debian 2.1 distribution. First problem: about 50% of the time PPP aborts with the error (of level LOG_NOTICE, which goes to /var/log/ppp.log on my system) "Serial line is looped back" when I run the expect script below. expect -c ' set timeout -1 spawn /usr/sbin/pppd crtscts noproxyarp set serv $spawn_id # Do I need this sleep? It doesnt change the probabilities much anyway. sleep 0.5 spawn /usr/sbin/pppd defaultroute noipdefault crtscts noproxyarp set client $spawn_id # # Main loop: connect the two ppps, send a copy of all traffic to # stdout, and accepts three commands from the user: if the user types # "qq", leave; if "ii", run "ifconfig" and continue; if "ps", display # which processes have "ppp" in their names and continue. interact { -input $serv -output $client -output $user_spawn_id -input $client -output $serv -output $user_spawn_id -input $user_spawn_id "ii" {spawn ifconfig; expect eof} "ps" {send_user [exec ps ax | grep ppp]\n} "qq" {exit} } ' Second: /sbin/route hangs when I run it after the connection is made; cat /proc/net/route is ok. This isn't very important, I think, and I haven't tried to trace this error very far. Third: tcpdump lynx ftp telnet