From the Dusty Pages
Linda May's Old Family Albums
Faces of Our Past

Nameless Children of Our Past
Album I

  "Let not their little faces be forgotten, nor separated from the families of those who held them, loved them and cherished them enough to keep their images safe from harm so that others could remember them when they were gone."

~ Linda May ~

Click thumbnail to view it's full size. A new window will open, close it when finished to return here.

~ Linda Spivey-Bjorklund
©Copyright August 2004 ~
Contact me if you think you might know something about any of the photographs posted within any of the albums you will be viewing.

Even if you don't recognize anyone I would love for you to take a moment and sign my guestbook below just to let me know you were here. (It will open in another window, just close it when you're done.)

Nameless Children of Our Past

Next will take you to ALBUM II
Family Album takes you to the Master Album, FACES OF OUR PAST.
Back takes you to the Index page for NAMELESS CHILDREN OF OUR PAST.

Next will take you to ALBUM I
Family Album takes you to the Master Album, FACES OF OUR PAST.

Return to Paths To The Past ~ Adniram Spiva Family Album

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Click here to view ALBUM II

Master Album ~ Faces of Our Past
Children, School Children, Teenagers, Families, Men, Women, Loggers, Hunters,
Miners, Railroaders, Moonshiners and many more.