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Creedance Clearwater REVISTED....a Visual/Audio Tribute!


Creedance Clearwater
An Audio/Visual Salute

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IN TODAY'S WORLD, there are not a lot of things that remain constant. We endure change on a daily basis
in our professional, personal, and very complicted lives. This is also a fact in the world of Rock n' Roll.
The Musicans depicted above have NOT been immune to change either. It really irritated me when I read a posting
on a cyber bulletin board that the above Musicians had been thought by some to be nothing but a cover-band.
I know of a lot of GOOD Cover Bands, and have musician friends in Cover-Bands. They do what they do very well,
and I applaud their talent and drive to succeed in the music world. HOWEVER..... Creedance Clearwater {revisited}
is NOT the Creedance Clearwater Revival that entered the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame, nor are they the ones that took
the stage at the very first WOODSTOCK. What they are is a Band that has collectively decided to look radical CHANGE
directly in the eye, and beat back critisism to carry on a TRADITION. The TRADITION I speak of is the music that set the
tone for an entire generation. The Music that told a story of how to endure thru tough times, RADICAL change, and social
unrest. This group of musicians still employ the same passion and professionalism that the ORIGIANL members did. The songs
SAY the same things in the lyrics, and there are still TWO original members intact! So whats wrong with that I ask???
The anthems, ballads, and sheer POWER of the music they perform has not changed. There is merely someone else singing that
lyric, or wailing on that AX. The message remains CONSTANT. Their professional savy is stronger than ever, and the actual SONG
cannot be erased from our memories. God knows that it has not been an easy road for the members of this band as they attempt
to carry on the messages contained in those songs. But God willing...THEY WILL CONTINUE!

Feel free to post your comments in the guestbook,
or send me a personal E-mail with your thoughts. the Concert Pictorial Page

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