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The Classic Rock Clockshoppe Harley Davidson Pages
"JESSICA" by The Allman Brothers

The Classic Rock Clockshoppe
Harley Davidson Series
Custom-Crafted for your Web-Pages ABSOLUTELY FREE !
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This series of pages is a tribute to "Milwaukee Metal", and was invisioned by just stumbling upon a couple
of FABULOUS Graphics Sites on the World-Wide-Web (surf buttons below). While browsing thru the sites,
the idea to develop a Harley-Davidson Tribute Clock was reinforced by the very large numbers of on-line
Bikers that exist out there. I was amazed by the number of Webrings as well, and just thought this
would be a nice way for Harley Riders to add something VERY UNIQUE to your pages...ABSOLUTELY FREE!!
Being a former Wisconsin native, I have experienced the excitement of watching thousands of
Harley Riders roll into Milwaukee and surrounding area for the past 90th & 95th Reunions.
Even though I do not own a Harley Davidson, I do believe "Milwaukee Metal" is a large piece of
"AMERICANA", and should be reccognized as an important part of America's technological evolution.
In my eyes, Harley Davidson represents FREEDOM.....and for that.....we can all be thankful!

Use the buttons below to Navigate.
Before placing an order, browse the EXAMPLES,
and be sure to READ the info on the
F.A.Q. page !
ALSO, The GuestBook on each page can be used for placing an order.
OR.....just send me an E-MAIL

  Your helpful guide to ORDERING!

  Browse these examples...Including a Lake Applet!

  More examples to see...Including a Lake Applet!

  View my Webring Memberships and Awards!

  The "Squeal of Approval" could be YOURS Today!

  View a Fabulous HAWK-RAY Applet and more Clocks!


After you have browsed thru all my Harley-Davidson pages,
placed your order, or if you are just surfing thru, use the buttons below
to check out BABE'S & SHAR'S FABULOUS Graphics selections!
Chances are you will need to see MORE variety and selection anyway,
especially if you decide to place an order for YOUR
custom-built clock from The Classic Rock ClockShoppe!


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Other Credits Due....

In addition to Babe & Shar,
thanks to the following sites/people for being so creative
and "on top of your game" artisticly!
Choppers-Bikes & Birds
The animation Factory

© 2001-The Classic Rock Clockshoppe

This page, and ALL others integrated into the Classic Rock ClockShoppe are personal pages ONLY! Graphics used here were acquired from FREE graphic sites ONLY! Every effort has been made to link-back to the site where a specific graphic item was acquired. If for some reason I missed one/someone, please let me know via e-mail and I will provide a proper link-back or mention. Harley-Davidson Graphics are in no way affilliated with The Classic Rock ClockShoppe. They are used here to enhance my personal pages ONLY, and to pay tribute to an American institution, that is Harley-Davidson Motorcycles! Any Classic Rock Clock, custom-crafted for you from this site is ABSOLUTELY FREE, on a first-come-first-serve basis. The examples displayed are NOT for public consumption, but merely EXAMPLES to help you in visualizing a Classic Rock Clock for your personal pages. An EXAMPLE may be requested and personalized for your pages, if done so via e-mail.