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Our trip to Bend
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Emily and I went through this whole page the other day (including the Party part...) and we found exactly three pictures that we could bear to part with and those, my friend, you could not possibly miss.  These pictures are just too dear to our heart.  Or maybe the memories are.  I can't wait until summer!

TRIP TO BEND STORY!!!! (needless to say... I found it)
We have them for your Viewing pleasure

We (Rachel, Melissa (R's younger sister) and I) recently (Thursday (Thanksgiving night)) were driven down to Bend by her wonderful father, Dale.  We took the Hood pass because the Santiam pass had 5" of snow already.  Hood had snow too, but not as much.  Dale (R.'s dad) showed us how good he was at driving in the snow w/o traction devices.  We got to R's Aunt and Uncle and cousin's house that is really in Redmond (or is it Tumalo?) at about 11pm. Nothing too exciting happened that night, except when we were finally going to sleep, I felt something...something CRUSTY!!!! AAAAHHHH! I screamed.  Rachel said, "That sounds like an 'I found a bug' scream."  How does she know me so well???? I jumped up and ran into the wall, flipped on the light switch and stared at my sleeping bag.........
  I flung my pillow out of the way...THERE WAS A DEAD EARWIG IN MY SLEEPING BAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I say it any louder using the keyboard????? I wish I could! UGH!
Eventually I was able to lay down inside my bug bag and I even fell asleep.

The next day (Friday) we drove around town (Bend).  Lysa (Rachel's cousin) had to go to the bank.  Rachel took pictures there.  We drove away from the bank.  Rachel took pictures then.  We went to "NEW Old Mill Town".  Rachel took pictures there.  We went to Taco Bell.  Rachel took pictures there. (Rachel's birthday was the 21st and she got a real nice digital camera).  We went to a skate-park...I took a picture there.  Actually everyone tried their hand at getting a good action shot...But I shot the one that Rachel deemed worthy of keeping!!!! We did more driving and took more pictures.  That night Rachel, Lydia (her other cousin (older than Lysa)) and I went to play volleyball with a college group that Lydia does stuff with...Rachel memorized everyone's names and I just, didn't.   There was Amanda, Sarah, Chad, Chris, Jimmy (he came late, as in really late, as in the everyone was leaving kind of late) Marty, Casey, Jessi, Jeff, Oh golly, that's everyone I remember. 

The next morning, Saturday, Lysa woke us up at around 10am, told us that we were having belgium waffles, something else and something else (we were still half asleep) and "oh yah...and it's snowing."   IT WAS SNOWING!!!! WHOW! It kept snowing. The snow stuck.  It kept sticking.  Our plans to go caving were thrown out...which left us with 2 other options... Go bowling with a girl named Hannah and some other folks, or go play capture the flag with some other people. 

I didn't want to go bowling because I heard that Hannah throws lit candles in peoples laps and smears sour cream on peoples arms... bowling balls are heavy and in the wrong hands can be deadly...We went to play capture the flag.

Lydia had to drive us, Rachel Lysa Melissa, and I...her dad drove the truck with Britten,(Brittin? Britton?)(Lydia and Lysa's younger brother).  None of their cars had traction yet (and they live in a snowy area?) so we had to stay close to her dad the whole way.  Lydia drove very carefully, her dad on the other hand...

We got there. Where is there? I'm not sure, but it was near LaPine? It was still snowing. There were More new people here.  There was Jennifer, Derik, Deryl (spelling of names is not my forte), Thomas, Stephen, and Chad...I think that's it besides the parents. 

On our walk to "the field", Rachel and Lydia ganged up on Stephen...I think they already knew each other.  Snowball fight!!!!! Yeah!!!! Oh I LOVED IT! I could have stayed out there for for for....a long time.  I didn't have any boots.   I was warm though...good thing too.  The MEN made a bon-sort-of-fire.  we split up into teams-white tape team, and red tape team.  I was on the white tape team.  We lost.  But I had fun chasing everyone, feeling like my lungs were going to---or already had burst, and only going to jail once.  Know why I had to go to jail... b/c I was chasing Deryl (the younger brother of Derik) and so was Mike (Lysa, Lydia and Britton's dad).  Mike dove into Deryl, I dove into Deryl, got flug off of the dog pile... across the "line"  into enemy territory.  Dun dun dunnnnn.  Got tagged by Chad probably.  Mike saved running through enemy territory and storming the jail, setting Thomas (in jail before me) and me free... too bad he got tagged after that. 

Lydia and Melissa and Rachel wanted to go back to the house...Lysa and I thought that they meant they were leaving to go back home, so I yelled "good bye...thank you for having me" and all that good stuff, Turned to leave, and SPLAT! a big bad snowball...right in the right oblique.  (Spelling?  The muscle on the side of your stomache.) I spun around and Derik yells "Yah!.... Go away!" or something to that manner.  AH? So I yelled back..."OW!"  Showed him!

A few minutes of walking later Lysa and I found out that R. M. and Lydia were just going to the house.  Lysa and I walked back to the "field".  We didn't play but we were there.  Everyone started to leave after about the 3rd game.  Lysa and I were walking behinde Stephen, Chad, Derik, Deryl, Thomas and Jennifer.  Snowballs.  Thomas had driven Jenn, Derik. And Deryl. as far as the road went until the trail started so they got to drive the whole 50 feet back to the house frome the trail.  Deryl was in the passanger seat and had the door open while driving past us (showing off his riding in style) Stephen showed him what was what by throwing a snowball at him... barely missing Deryl but he still got it into the car!!!! HA!

Derik. and Deryl.'s mom and someone elses mom and dad and him and her and they, had made soup, cinnamon rolls, hot dogs, hot chocolate, hot cider.  There was a cake too... it was Thomas's birthday.  Thomas is from Alaska...I think. He was visiting in Portland, drove to Derik. and Deryl's house... they are friends... I think.

The soup was really good... Lysa,Lydia. Melis. and Rach. didn't like it... they thought I was crazy.  But it was crazy good so we're even. 

Lydia's dad, Britton, and us left.  Drove home (to Lydia's house) put on dry clothes and cleaned up our stuff in time for our party.  Lyd. and Lysa planned a party for Rachel.  Nate W. Sara W. Maddy B. Nick B. and Chris B. came.  I hadn't met Maddy or Chris so that was Interesting to say the least. Chris had been in Hawaii and Russia and such for a year or so and had gotten back for some odd reason... I don't know the details. But his hair is about shoulder length and an orangish/ blond/ brown color.... it's the color you get when you bleach black hair.  We played games and Rachel took more pictures.  Rachel's dad made it back to Lydia's house at about 8.30, Rachel Melissa and I left at about 9. 20 or so. Drove. Had to keep Dale awake, meaning we had to stay awake... they dropped me off at home at around 12. I went to bed around 1.  Got up for church at 8.  Was tired.  ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz.  Umm. there's more I could write... I just wont because it's 12.20, and I have to leave for Spanish at CCC at 12.30. 

Thank you for reading , IF you did read it.


Morning - bank - taco bell
BEmLysBank.jpg (62380 bytes) BLysMelBankCoffee.jpg (60268 bytes) BEmLydSidewalk.jpg (59217 bytes)   BLydTacoBell.jpg (62333 bytes) BTacoBellGroup.jpg (60003 bytes)


BEmGlasses.jpg (28195 bytes)
BBumper.jpg (28648 bytes) BLydMirrorKiss.jpg (29664 bytes) BLysRachUplook.jpg (37201 bytes) BLysSad.jpg (40578 bytes) BRachInMirror.jpg (50873 bytes) BRachMel.jpg (38804 bytes) BRachMelThinker.jpg (41125 bytes)  
skate park! BSkatepark.jpg (40102 bytes)

And this poor fellow had no idea that we would be around that day...BStreetcornerDude.jpg (35401 bytes)
A quick stop to run an errand... BMelOutsidePose.jpg (61771 bytes) BMirrorMelPic.jpg (36192 bytes)
And then to Ben and Jerry's!!! BEmBenJerryNewspaper.jpg (61594 bytes) BEmlegs.jpg (54281 bytes) BLydinBenJerrys.jpg (63307 bytes)


Friday night was quite entertaining!!!
BCircleofFaces.jpg (38279 bytes) BAnotherRachel.jpg (41205 bytes) BEmilyBackbend.jpg (37850 bytes) BEmilysBrightSocks.jpg (36848 bytes) BEmsFlamingoFeet.jpg (52874 bytes) BLayingonFloor.jpg (32876 bytes) BLysaDive.jpg (32794 bytes) BLysasHands.jpg (57973 bytes) BMelLysLaughing.jpg (35944 bytes)
After just a little bit of innocent fun... we had some more!
BDanceLydLook.jpg (57125 bytes) BEmHat.jpg (51982 bytes) BEmHatNegative.jpg (47939 bytes) BLydiaSmilepic.jpg (33404 bytes) BLysaSleepy.jpg (35011 bytes) BPileofUs.jpg (42429 bytes) BRachelMelissaBond.jpg (45990 bytes)BRachelsFace.jpg (25134 bytes) BRacheltoesocks.jpg (58022 bytes) BRachelwithLydiaHair.jpg (26497 bytes)

And then came the challenge... trying to clean up so that we could be seen in public!!!!

BEmHairOne.jpg (33650 bytes) BEmHairTwo.jpg (34125 bytes) BLydiaCurlingSepia.jpg (32307 bytes)

SATURDAY:  Most of Saturday  morning I didn't have a camera.  But whether we had a camera or not, we went and played capture the flag in the snow!!!  (we got snow in both of Steven's ears -- hehe)


It hasn't quit snowing (or being snowy at least) since we were there!  Snowboarding season is definitely in progress.  And skiing too, yes.
BSnow.jpg (32130 bytes) BSnowyBBhoopTwo.jpg (43697 bytes)

Here are a few more... from Friday night.

          BBritton.jpg (36643 bytes) BRMBondmovie.jpg (50961 bytes)  BRStoryLydBackrub.jpg (57991 bytes) BSeriousFaces.jpg (45233 bytes) BStatDance.jpg (63054 bytes) BStatDoorlean.jpg (50602 bytes) BStatFaceoff.jpg (56950 bytes) BStatFaint.jpg (60501 bytes) BStatHands.jpg (50387 bytes) BStatPyramid.jpg (55431 bytes) BStatThinking.jpg (34144 bytes) BThreeofUs.jpg (37758 bytes)