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What can I say?  I enjoyed taking pictures... and people eventually got tired of hiding from me!

  BParty.jpg (52793 bytes) BPartyCNLS.jpg (61003 bytes) BPartygoers.jpg (58843 bytes) BPartyKarate.jpg (58225 bytes) BPartyLysa.jpg (35887 bytes) BPartyNappingNate.jpg (43943 bytes) BPartyNateChoke.jpg (61425 bytes) BPartyNatemakingJewlery.jpg (32854 bytes) BPartyNCM.jpg (60686 bytes) BPartySarahMattie.jpg (56814 bytes) BPartyThreeonaCouch.jpg (60333 bytes) BPartlyLydiaHappy.jpg (34329 bytes) BPartyNickMelInvisibleWall.jpg (44385 bytes) BPartyThinkposeMelNick.jpg (36052 bytes)
(the invisible wall ^)

BPartyHandsTwo.jpg (58868 bytes)BPartyNickHand.jpg (56158 bytes)BPartyCHands.jpg (35412 bytes)
(Hands ^)

AND (*drumroll*) we played STATUES!

BStatuesMelChris.jpg (36290 bytes) BStatuesEmChrisSky.jpg (45067 bytes) BStatuesEmNate.jpg (48759 bytes) BStatuesEmNateBallet.jpg (46010 bytes) BStatuesSarahNick.jpg (53096 bytes)