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**Many authors and subject names are withheld on this page for various reasons. hehe


Title: For a Friend
Expectations leave a lot to be desired
So don't expect.
I'm who I am, don't expect someone else.
Don't give up that this is all that I am
I can change,
 I do change.
I have qualities, don't overlook them.
I have faults, don't overlook them
Don't hate me for them... I can change.
Leave me happy, but don't let me alone
Give me advice, make me unhappy with my errs...
Let me be with my hopes and fears,
but comfort me when they let me down, and chide me when they're false.
You are wiser but you are not wise...
 So give me room for I am too.
You despair because my mind is weak... I can change.
I despair because your goals are short, and because your hope for me is small.
Don't worry, I am growing and changing...
 Have hope in place of your expectations.
                                    ~By Charlie 


By Melissa, 
America Seeks Psychiatric Help

I've bin' Laden with all these problems, doc!  I've got people bombin' my Bushes, I found Aunt Thrax en Ron's cabinet (got a whiff of her and now they're disqualifying me for the use of drugs.) I tried tae-Kwan-do, but ended up only getting bronze... seems like the only way I've won is being a good Patriot!


The Beginning

I am feeling uninspired
In fact I think I'm a little mired
but you see a mire is a bog
and they're always covered by fog
so that seeing is hard
and what you can't do is see your card
both fish and pinochle become impossible
but don't worry both of those are tossable
into the mud that belongs in mires
what would really help me get out are some spires
to climb on above the mud
this poem is really...
                            a dud.


Title: Counting on You to count the stars

A place called earth,
 a thing called man...
A universe created, by God
 through Christ.

I believe it's true... do you?
 I can't count the stars, we can't make the dust.
What is our worth
 to the One who can?

His time isn't there,
 He is unchanging.
I can't count the stars
 He made the universe.

Why'd he make me?
 I can't count the stars!
His power to prove...

I imitate eyebrows
 no I imitate electrons...
He smiles and says,
 I love you, because you can't  count the stars..........

                    ~By Charlie

The Poem Without a Title
By Melissa

(to be made into a song by Lysa)

She asked me to write it,
(or rather to type it)
But she didn't give me a subject, a title, a word...
all she gave me was this:

"Write why the sky is blue"
"Or maybe how they make Elmer's glue"
Now that's a drab thought
Even though my attention it caught!

Why is the sky blue?
I'd like to know too!
And how on earth
Do you make Elmer's glue?

And come to think
I've more questions, like ink
where did it come from?
And who invented bubble gum?

All these thoughts I'd like to know
Just exactly why God made them so!
If you'd like to know the tech mister
Just go ahead, ask my sister!

What when how why?
Someone knows and it ain't me
Somethin' makes the sky turn blue
Somethin' makes the world go round
the world go round
go round
go round



Poems, I thought, are like leaves
falling off trees.
And leaves, I continued to myself,
are like life.
"Life is like a bowl of pudding,"
she always said.
And I only like pudding with
raisins in it.

So I sat and so I pondered.
I pondered all night
until night was day; for I
could not tell just when the night
ended and the day began
They were one.

And God said, "Let there be light."
And there was light.
It was evening and morning

The first day.


Who.  Who indeed?
I do not know.  I just sit here on the floor.
I'm leaning on my bed.
And I'm thinking.
My sister is in the room.
She is writing in her journal and talking.
I am just thinking and sitting...
the carpet is getting old; it's matted in some areas
She is looking through old entries and telling me about them.
What is happening?
Is the ceiling closer?
the walls.
The bed-frame is cutting into my back.
I think my brain must have something wrong with it.
I'm looking.

By, Jumble


I Am an Elastic Firecracker - My birthday poem!

Timmy the monkey would say "Hi"
To you if he wasn't in a red
Chinese prison at the moment.
"Chinese Bombs!  Millions Jump!  Chairman's junk!
USA!  Won't somebody, won't somebody sink this
Place?!"  He says.  But only because he gets red
onions and sawdust bread on a daily basis even!

Compliments from Nick



Riding, riding.  where to?  where from?
no matter where, just how
On a horse, see his flattened ears
the wind singing, shrieking through our ears
world spinning, blurring
the shaking, throbbing of horses hooves pounding
feel our hears beating in rhythm
sweat, foam
horse's sides glistening, mouth frothing
like blood
through thin cloaks icy air stabbing
cold, shaking
the air keeps pulsing
or is it our blood?  pulsing, pounding
falling to the ground
me and the horse shaking, trembling

By, Jumble

The following poems in green were written by several different teenage girls late at night.  LAAAAATE.  Because nobody sends me anything better, I have to go through my old papers and scraps from different events in my life... and so, this is what you're stuck with.  Enjoy!

Without moving, I stand near the door.
A clock ticks by the wall.
I don't hear it.
Cautions breath and I think they're headed for me.
I smile.
The world doesn't begin to know me.
It doesn't matter.
Somewhere the blazing fire of truth hits its target,
and the changes effect the blooming hearts with self-conviction.
I shouldn't hear you.
You left me long ago.
Because of you, moments of weakness pinch the interior of love.
Fire can't understand nor can the wall read the emotions on my face.
If it had mattered,
would I yet be standing here without moving?


I'm sitting here giggling.
Solemnly talking about silly things
and lovely memories with friends.
We speak in our own tongues about life
according to certain things
but having a shout of a time!
Shoving watermelon in our mouths
talking about troubles and laughing our heads off.
Things that only we can talk about are discussed to their fullest.
After all, to who else can you show your
brand new

We don't giggle a whole lot
But we can't hear the clock
No tick no tock
Go swimming in our socks
Or maybe not
We are afraid of a claw
The claw that grabs to know
Wait we now hear the clock - its tick and its tock
Make sure your door is locked
ready or not
I'll throw you a rock
to knock down your dock
we're gonna rock
but we certainly won't giggle
at least, not a lot.

In one sandal
I am inspired about something...
What will happen tomorrow?  and the next day?
What ought to be done?
The sky is definitely blue
and the sun is on its way to our sky
the stars are out and my eye itches
Emily's feet squeak in the kitchen

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