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For my personal statement, click on this darling picture of me:

11-25-02  Hey all!  I'm just visiting my old web page yet again.  Wonder if I could ever fix this place up.  Man, I really need to get those horsey pictures put up.  Hmm....

9-23-02 - I am typing with one left hand, because my right hand is holding an ice pack on my cheek.  I am, as of now, two teeth lighter than I was before.  I am supposed to hold ice on my face for three hours, yuck.  My hand is cold already!  :-)  My mouth is so numb that I'm not even sure that I'm holding it on the right spot.  Maybe I should get a mirror.  What a yucky taste I'm beginning to get in my mouth.  Boy, after a minute of having that nitrus oxide on my nose, I didn't realize what was happening.  Good thing.  Anyway, it reminded me alot of the time I fainted... I knew what was happening, but I thought it was a dream... I was in a different world.  It was funny that I had trouble understanding what the nurses were saying.  I ususally knew what the doctor was saying, although I didn't really know he was talking until I opened my eyes a little on accident and "woke up."  I closed my eyes again and prepared to wait through the next tooth.  I thought that, boy, what they're doing must hurt, but didn't really feel a thing.  I was so out of it that when they were grinding at my tooth that I could only figure out if I was breathing in or out by whether my stomach was moving up or down.  That gas made my whole body feel like it was throbbing or something - very strange.

6-25-02 - Hello, my friendly, unpopulated universe!  This is your host speaking.  Nevermind!  Ha~  Anyhow, I am sitting on our piano bench with the laptop resting on the arm of the big leather couch.  Mom is napping on the couch.  The piano is closed and quiet.  Melissa is just home from summer dance lab and is showering.  M and I are going to go to Mervyn's or somewhere to look for some summer clothes.  M needs some clothes for camp (ballet camp.).  We might stop by the dance store to get some new tights too, oh boy!  I'm exchanging some clothes that I bought which don't fit for the ones that do.  I don't shop often --- I'm exchanging something I bought over a month ago, anyway.  Seems like everybody's shopping.  That's where the money is.  Maybe I ought to buy a store or something and end up being the largest in the world.  Sounds pretty good to me, actually.  Strawberries sound better.  Mom made a bunch of strawberry jam yesterday.  It's sitting on the counter waiting to be frozen.  (it's supposed to sit for 24 hrs.)
How are all my friends?  My graduation party was a great bash and I'm not likely to forget it anytime soon.  So many people came!  And then Emily and I went to Bend and did some good ol' sleeping in with an occasional game of tennis thrown in for balance.  My grandma always has Ovaltine, too... that's the best drink in the world!  Mmmm!  Gosh, I'd sure like to go camping/swimming/fishing/hiking.  Wanna come?  When?  Ok!  Maybe I can get a day trip in, anyway.  The church's picnic was great too!  Emily and I really whooped at volleyball.  Not really, but we didn't stink, either.  Great game!  Troubles have no hold on me...  they just bump.

5-29-02 - G'day, every one!  It has been over a month since I even pretended to do something on this site!  Yes, indeed!  The last few times I was on here... I didn't really do anything!  Yikes!  Now you know!  Jeepers.  Life is good.  I love playing tennis with my tennis class.  It's really the greatest group of people.  I'm not looking forward to the end of the term.  Everything after this term  is behind a cloud.  I think.  I wonder if it is raining inside the cloud?  I'll know soon.  Hmm, hmm.  Only a week until classes are out (just about) and then there's finals... and then there's my graduation.  Be good, eh!

4-11-02 I figured out how to do sound.  Unless you don't have working speakers (or unless it only works on my comp) then you already know that.  What fun!  It just uses a simple bgsound tag.  How nice.  Course, it doesn't work with Netscape, just IE.  Hey, I just used a new piece of my vocabulary!  Whee.  I'm taking a HTML class.  I already said that, didn't I.  Yep.  Suppose so.  Anyhow, i'm getting that'll figured out and I'm enjoying it too.  It's like learning a new language... only we only have had to learn (so far) really simple, logical stuff!  I can swing this.  I'm making a web site for the Nutcracker.   I'll let you know when it's worth looking at.  It'll probably be at least the end of the term. MMm-hmm.  Oh, hey!  Nate from Bend and of "As You Like It" moved to the Portland area!   He's actually not far away at all! This is really neat.  Yessir!  See, he's one of the friendlies.  Unfortunately, neither of us are nearly as good as the.... ummm... as my Bend cousins  and all them at getting parties and stuff together.  You know, initiating.  (or so Nate says.)  Or should I call him Nathan?  Hi Nathan!  Ahem.  Anyhow, something will come up.  Great-grandma is doing very well!  She's definitely part of the family now.  She gets discouraged sometimes, because she's not able to talk and because she's so weak... but she's inspiring and incredible in how she stays cheerful, patient, humble, and ... and... happy!  I've never known somebody so willing to smile.  Alrighty... it's bedtime.  ttyl

4-5-02 It's been awhile since I've worked on this site!  I'm taking a HTML class via the Internet (and CCC) which promises to be interesting.  I can't use FrontPage when I'm doing it though... I guess FrontPage puts in its own tags and messes up my HTML stuff.  Hmm.  Melissa finally let us read her story!  Wow!  It sure is good.  I can tell that she must have spent a long time working on it... unless stuff like that just comes naturally.  I'm trying to think of a good idea for what to do with her story.  It has to be a good idea, otherwise Melissa won't let me do it!  Maybe she'll let me post it on here for you all to read... and maybe critique?  It's 61 Word pages long.  And she's going to lengthen the ending.  Well, well, well!  I think it's time for me to drive Melissa to ballet class and feed the horses.  I'm eager to start learning HTML!  But I have to wait until I get home.  Phooey.  Dad's at a garage sale looking at a motorcycle and some other furniture for the sun room.  (Which is complete with new curtains and a new bedspread for the guest bed.)  Hmm!  I forgot!  I have a bit of art homework as well!  Yay!  That's great.  No Spanish homework this weekend... that's nice.  Gotta run!  (actually, I don't at this very second, but I will soon...)

3-7-02  Here I am in Access again.  We're learning how to use the find button.  Dad got a rifle from grandma.  It's really nice.  Used to be my great-uncle's, I think.  It's a Winchester, model 65.  There weren't many made, because WWII broke out and they stopped making game rifles.  It's a real nice rifle, but only shoots a .32 caliber.  I can't wait until I get to go out and try it out!  Dad says it doesn't have much of a kick and is real nice.  Grandma is over for the day!  Great-grams sure loves to have her over.  Hmmm, chocolate milk sure sounds good, especially with lots of chocolate.  Gosh, this class seems longer every class.  That's probably my fault though; I don't focus myself.  It's not difficult, though!  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now I know my abc's; won't you come and sing with me!

3-5-02  I'm in my computer class.  We're looking in Access.  Do you know how to make queries?  I do.  We're searching for "Dogs" or "Cats".  Oh boy!  The teacher is nice enough to go at a speed that allows me to work on here too.  Maybe I'll even write somebody a letter!  Wouldn't that be great.  :-)  Melissa and I get to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house for spring break!  And we're hoping to go to Danny's baseball game too....  Yippee!

3-2-02  Melissa's friend Emily is here and they (and I, I admit) are watching Emma.  I sure like this movie.  Course I like all the Jane Austen books.  Have any of you guys read any Gene Stratton Porter books?  They are also some of my favorites.  Tee hee, this movie is so wonderful!  I've been making some big decisions lately.

2-22-02  Who in the world is as blessed as I?  And nobody deserves it less.  How is it that I have come to have all of this???  How is it that anybody could care for me?  I can think of nothing that I can do to repay them for their care.  Why do I have the chances that I have?  I fear that I will waste what I have been given.  I am so happy!!!

2-6-02  Hello all!  I'm not at all sure what to write.  I spend a bunch of time working on this site... but nobody really looks at it but me.  Who was I making it for anyway?  I'm not all that sure.  It's got a family page, so that means it's not for the public... and it's definitely got a lot of useless personal trivia and silly pictures.  Whoops, I'm being negative!  But hey, if nobody reads this, then nobody cares.  Such freedom!  I can be negative or grumpy or silly or technical or sarcastic or bubbly or wild... and I don't have to worry.  I wonder if this is a good thing?  I guess God sees everything I do... and since most of those aren't or don't come from fruits of the spirit, I'll have to leave them be.  In other words, grumpiness may not be over, but none of y'all will have to experience it.  I'd keep my whole diary on a computer, because it's so much easier and faster to type, but I like the feel of pen or pencil on paper and I like to write.  It just takes so long!  
Today I went to History and Spanish and swimming.  I have to decide right away if I and what I will or might say to the entire congregation on Sunday about New Attitude.  Very scary.  I'll let that pass and come back to it.  Grandma is here and she, dad and g-gram are playing dominos.  I think g-gram is winning.  Anyhow, I got home at about 1:30 and was at the barn by 2:30.  I am helping Mindy get Levi ready to get looked at by a potential buyer.  What a job!  I cut his mane, but it still looks quite a mess, because a two inch section is only a couple inches long and sticking up since somebody bit it off.  :-)  He was quite nervous about the clippers too... it took a LONG time to get that done.  
Melissa, Emily from ballet, and I went to Tachos for dinner.  I'm stuffed and, I must admit, I am about to fall asleep due to my full stomach and warm lap.  Just so you know that nothing weird like a cat is on my lap ???, I've got the laptop on it.  And I'm laying down on the couch with Neal's nice earphones playing out of my cd player with Melissa's Celine Dion (in French) cd playing.  I will now try to work on the NA page!

1-28-01  Well, I've been back in real life for nearly a month now since the conference and I am struggling to focus!  I remember what we heard at NA and I remember how I was focused and prepared to face the world... but I am having a hard time keeping it that way!  A good way to keep it fresh, I thought, was to not only put into practice what was taught but to write down what was taught and everything that I thought about it.  Instead I am here, though, writing to you about how I wish I could focus to write about it.

1-8-01  I'm back from Kentucky where the restaurants close before dinner-time!  It's nice to be home where the stores are open 24/7 and the traffic behaves like it's supposed to and everybody talks like me and my bed is all my own and ... I have tons of stalls to clean.  :-D  The conference was awesome and I wish all of my friends and everybody that I've ever met could have gone.  What a challenge I felt... and motivation!  I have just started reading one of the two books I bought there... and I have returned to school... and to my life.  So I continue to look at my life from a new perspective.  This is mixed up and I can't think of how to say anything else right now that would say what I want to say the right way.  I'll think about it, eh!?

12-31-01  I want to make a discussion page/a message board/a better web page!  I want to make this page something good... not just a scrapbook for myself.  I want to learn everything, y'know, and it's much easier to expand oneself when you've got the influence of other people!  I'm off to feed the horses.  God bless this day!

12-24-01  Well, it's the big day before the big day!  I'm hearing good news from the east about the kidney transplant that some of you  know about... wonderful!  I bought myself three hackey-sacks today.  I'm going to learn how to juggle and to ... kick them.  Yes indeedy!  I can't wait til tomorrow!

12-10-01  Ho-de-hum!  Melissa and I just finished decorating the Christmas tree!  I wonder what Grandma will think when she sees it in the morning.  I guess she remembers having fun doing it when she was little.  Did I already tell you that me feet were warm earlier today?  And that I cleaned five stalls?  How about the two finals that I took?  (I'm crossing my fingers... wish I got my scores back sooner.)  Melissa is walking around in her pjs and a purple scarf.  Mom really wants on here so I have to hurry.  UUUUuuuummmmm..... update, update.  We now have DSL.  I haven't had a chance to use it much yet (ahEm.).  I went caroling the other day.  I gotta go!

11-27-01  Well, my latest big history test went well, Spanish is muy bien, Great-Grandma is very alert and talkative, Thanksgiving went splendidly... although a few people weren't able to make it. :-(  (Hi Grandma and Grandpa D. and Kevin!)  Look under "Current Events" for Thanksgiving pictures.  (they should be up soon...)

11-09-01  Well then, things are going good here!  Great grandma has given us a couple of scares, but perhaps they were unfounded.  :-)  She sleeps a lot, but when she's awake she's been able to get some very clear thoughts across that stubborn tongue of hers.  We're just loving her and trying to get her to drink (she's dehydrated) ... :-D

10-28-01 News, news!  My great grandma moved in to our house yesterday!  She's 99 years old and very frail.  She had been staying in a foster care home, but that wasn't working out (actually, these people lost their license!) and so we were finally able to bring her here!  (we've been hoping to have her here for awhile, but it didn't work out.)  Anyhow, my mom is taking over most of her care... and my grandma is over too to help.  Oh and my dad too.  :-)  I am happy to have the easy job of driving Melissa where she needs... among a few other little things.  Anyway, that's the big news!  It's all pretty new to me... especially since she needs so much care (she has to be turned every two hours at night, she usually isn't able to speak and she hadn't been eating well before she came here so she is thin.)  I'll give updates!
