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My World

I just want to welcome you to my world, the world that you find everything unusual, interesting, and unique. But before you start clicking around, you have to read these words:

"if you are blessed at some point in your life, a perfect person walks by and bumps into you, or somehow, mysteriously falls from the sky into your arms. Suddenly, love takes on a whole new meaning. You discover layers of emotion you've never known existed before. Feel things you've never felt before. See colors you've never seen before. But, most of all: you KNOW. The same instinct that once stopped you when you were a kid from reaching for the fire on the stove syas this flame is ok. OK to touch, OK to hold....OK to cherish."

"love can be understoo only "from the inside," as a language can be understood only by someone who speaks it, as a world can be understood only by someone who lives in it."

About ME

About MY JOB

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