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Links to other Bletchley Sites and Bibliography : Finale

LINKS to other pages in the Bletchley Park site and to the Colin Day Travelling Days series:

1 : Bletchley Park Estate to 1939
2 : Enigma and GC&CS.
3 : The Poles and Enigma
4 : Turing and the Bombes
5 : The Huts: An overview
6 : German Naval Codes
7 : Huts 3,4,6 and 8
8 : Blocks A,B,C,D,E and F
9 : Views of the Estate (1)
10 : Views of the Estate (2)
11 : Lorenz and Colossus
12 : Finale, Links, Bibliography
Bletchley Park Guest Book:


Enever, T.    Britain’s Best Kept Secret (Sutton Publishing 1999)

Harper, S.    Capturing Enigma (Sutton Publishing 2000)

Harris, R.    Enigma (Random House 1995)

Hinsley, F.H. and Stripp, A. (Editors)    Codebreakers (Oxford University Press 1993)

Hodges, A.    Alan Turing:The Enigma (Simon & Schuster, New York 1983)

Hodges, A.    Turing (Phoenix, London 1997)

Kahn, D.    Seizing the Enigma (Houghton Mifflin, Boston 1991)

Kahn, D.    Seizing the Enigma (Souvenir 1991)

Kahn, D.    The Codebreakers (Macmillan, New York 1967. Revised edition 1996)

Lewin, R.    The Other Ultra (Hutchinson, London 1982)

Lewin, R.    Ultra Goes to War (Hutchinson, London 1978)

Mallman-Showell, J.P.    Enigma U-boats : Breaking the Code (Ian Allan, 2000)

Marks, L.    Between Silk and Cyanide - A codemaker’s war 1941 – 1945 (Free Press 1998)

Sebag-Montefiore, H.    Enigma: The battle for the code (Wiley 2000)

Smith, M.    Station X (Channel 4 Publications 1998)

Stephenson, N.    Cryptonomicon (Avon Books 1999)

Welchman, G.    The Hut 6 Story (McGraw Hill, New York 1982)

Welchman, G.    The Hut 6 Story (Baldwin, Cleobury Mortimer 1997)

Winterbotham, F.W.    The Ultra Secret (Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1974)

Winterbotham, F.W.    The Ultra Spy (Macmillan, London 1989)

Winton, J.    Ultra at Sea (Leo Cooper, London 1988)

Winton, J.    Ultra in the Pacific (Naval Institute Press, Annapolis 1993)

Young, I    Enigma Variations (Mainstream, Edinburgh 1990)


Whitemore, H.    Breaking the Code (Based on Andrew Hodge’s biography, "Alan Turing")

Television, Radio and Videos

"Station X"    Four one-hour documentaries (Produced by Channel Four, UK 1998)

"Still Secret"   From "The Secret War" programs (Produced by BBC Enterprises 1988)

"The Strange Life and Death of Dr Turing"   (Produced by Christopher Sykes for BBC TV and WGBH Boston 1992)

"Breaking the Code"   (Produced by "The Drama House" and WGBH Boston 1997)

Website Links

Bletchley Park Trust

" U-boats and Enigma"

"The National Cryptologic Museum at NSA"

"GCHQ in Britain"

"Communications and Electronics Security Group (GCHQ)"

Tony Sale’s Codes and Ciphers"

Alan Turing Home Page"

Turing Bombe Reconstruction

Willard Thompson’s Pages"

David Hamer’s Website

Frode Weierud’s Cryptology Pages


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