Hello everybody and welcome to my random site. This site mainly came about because I was very board one day and I felt like designing a site. Then for some reason I came up with the idea of making a site full of lots of funny things. Ohh yeah and in case u didn't know the reason the site has Noddy all over it is because my nickname is Noddy. Although it might as well be my real name as i can not think of many people who actually call me Richard, well apart from my parents and even my dad sometimes calls me Noddy, so going with the Noddy theme seemed like the only thing to do. Anyway hope you have fun on my site and if you have anything at all funny or have got any cool pictures you would like me to put on he site either send me a message on MSN (noddyrams@hotmail.com) or send me an email with them. -= noddy =-
DATE: 01/06/03 l TIME: 21:30 UPDATE - CRUISE AND PICTURES Im back!!!!! I have been on my adventure around the Mediterranean, and it was kewl. I had a wicked time and i met loads of kewl people, i will hopefully see again sometime. I did take my digital camera with me of course, but stupid me forgot to take my big memory card so i had to make the pictures quite small, but don't worry because they are ok on here. So head on over to the cruise pics now to check out all the fun. I will write more soon about it but now i am to tired. So i am going to say a big hello to everyone on the cruise, here goes. HELLO to...SCOTT, MARY, SHAUNA, SIMON, IAN, MARIA, KAREN, BRIDGET, JOANNE, COLLET, STEF, SAM, GRACE, GRACE'S MUM, thats about all i can think of now, so if i have missed anyone sorry. BYE -= noddy =- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE: 22/05/03 l TIME: 23:00 UPDATE - GOING ON HOLIDAY!!! Guess what everyone i am going on holiday. Yeah that's right going on holiday with old Scotty boy, i mentioned last time i might be going but its not official i am going, we have booked, well only just, it got booked last Friday (16/05/03). When are we going you ask. well its not in a month, not in two weeks, not even in one week, but i am going Saturday (24/05/03), i know that quick, i cant wait. Ok so your now thinking where am i going, i am going on a CRUISE!!! That's right a cruise. The cruise goes around Italy and the Mediterranean, and i cant wait. To be precise we are going to Genoa and Naples in Italy, somewhere in Sicily, some where in Malta, another random place in Minorca, and we will also be going to Majorca as that is where we will be boarding our cruise ship. So i thought i better tell you all as i am all excited now, i have just realised this time in 48 hours i will be on a boat somewhere sailing around the Mediterranean. Well i will be taking my digital camera with me so when i get back i will get them up on here as soon as possible, so make sure to take a look. Anyway i am off now to get even more excited, speak to you all soon, BYE!!! -= noddy =- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE: 06/05/03 l TIME: 22:00 UPDATE - MORE PICTURES Hello boys and girls, i had totally forgotten about this site until some people at work asked me about it. Im not quite sure where they heard about it yet though, but anyway at least they did. Then of course as soon as they saw it they realised just how good my site was, and i wasn't going to argue with them ;o) I then thought id come back myself and admire my work, and i have to admit it is pretty damn good. I then got the idea to update it, as i had noticed that Gemma had left me a little message telling me to put the pics of Scott's birthday on here, but because they r not in digital form, it will mean me scanning them in, which might take a while, so im not sure if we will ever see Scott's birthday pics on here yet, but hold tight people you never know. So with a lack of new pictures to put on here, i didn't know what to update the site with, so i just got a collection of random pics i had taken with my digital camera and put a few on here for you all while i get some newer and better ones. Hopefully there will be a whole collection from my up and coming holiday with Scott at the end of May. Not sure where we are going yet (at the moment its looks like sunny MAJORCA!) but whether we end up my camera will be going with me and i will be taking lots of pictures for you all for when i get back. So for now everyone take a gander at my new random pics collection and post lots of funny messages for each other in the forum, speak to you all soon, love you all bye x -= noddy =- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE: 26/03/03 l TIME: 21:40 UPDATE - PICTURES Hello everybody, not really much to tell you, just thought i would let you all know that i have been working hard the last two nights, well ok not that hard. I have updated the pics section and there are now two collections up for you all to view. Hope you all enjoy the photos. Also the forum is now up and working, so all have fun in there to. -= noddy =- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DATE: 24/03/03 l TIME: 21:00 WELCOME - INTRODUCTION So this is the first time I get
to write anything on my new site. Suppose I better fill you all in with what
this site is going to have on it. First of all is the
main page where you are now. Basically this will have things i am going
to write. It could be about anything, a day out just something i am doing at
the time. I will just write something when i get bored. So I'm not sure how
often i will actually write something new here, just depends on how busy my
week has been. What's next ohh yeah the
forum, well
that is where you guys go to talk to each other. You know how you all send
out lots of emails and fill up peoples inbox's all the time. Well that is
what the forum is for. You can now all post messages and what ever else you
want there. All you have to do is go and check the forum whenever your
online to see what you've missed out on lately. If you don't actually know
me or my friends that's fine you can still use the forum to get to know us
all, if u DARE!!! Ok onto the pics section, here I'm
hoping to add lots of different pictures. Both from my own collection and
from other peoples collections. There wont be loads of pictures but
hopefully a fair few. So if you have any cool pictures you think are worthy
of going on the site then email me
them or if I'm on MSN send me them on there, my address is
noddyrams@hotmail.com, so add me
to your list :o) The comedy section. I'm not sure
myself what to put in here yet, mainly anything that's funny, from jokes to
well to what ever is funny. Probably like some of those jokes that seem to
go around email so instead of sending them round to everyone just email it
me and i will put it in the comedy section. So if you've got anything funny
let me have it. Finally the other section. Now i
really don't know what is going in here. Anything that doesn't seem to fit
into any of the other parts probably. Like if anybody feels really bored and
fancies writing something just for the laugh like i am going to be doing
here, then feel free and i will put it on the other section for you. So come
on people get writing, especially you Coleman. So that's it for now and i
will hopefully get all the site up as soon as possible. -=
noddy =- |