Life's a Beach pt.1

Elisabeth enjoys the beach

Elisabeth enjoying the windy shores of Highcliffe Beach...

Stephen enjoys the beach

...and Stephen enjoying the sand a few days later, once it had warmed up.

These are the people who tried to kill us

These are the people (left to right: Daniel, Sophie, a horse & Pia [I hope I spelled your name right. Update: Yes I did.]) who led us into the New Forest under the ruse of going for "a bike ride." What they forgot to tell us was that we would be going on an off road romp through streams, over hill and dale. Our suspicions are that they were trying to exhaust us so that we'd fall off the bikes and hit our heads on large rocks so that they could make off with our inheritance. Pictured above, they're at The Rising Sun pub (It's not just in New Orleans) clearly looking disappointed that we're still able to enjoy a pint. Better luck next time!