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Swirling Seduction

©Steve Chong



Tech Info

Swirling Seduction

Camera: Canon EOS/1V
Lens: Tamron SP90mm
Film: ASA100
Aperture: F8
Shutter: 1s
Filter: Hoya 80A, Polarizing Filter
Light: Natural Light, Backlit
I am rather excited when I found this hempen rope. When I curl it into a coil the moment it springs out, it forms a wonderful and graceful looking pattern. "This could make a wonderful abstract photo," I told myself. Thus begin another exciting photography expedition.

1 - For the background, I hung a 4"x 4" blue plastic bag on the window. To create more drama I cripple it deliberately. That way too I discovered, would give me very nice and diffuse lighting.

2 - Next, I curl the rope flatly on the table, round after round much like the tracks on the phonogram. Then I put a book on top of it to maintain the shape. This sounds easier than done, the stubborn rope just won't succumb to my command.

3 - Next, I placed a piece of blue Formica measured 2" x 3" on a stool. To create a vague reflection on the surface, I used tissue to rub the Formica gently with a few drops of oil.

4 - A stick was tied on a tripod to hang that wonderful coil I made. I have to expand the coil tenderly such that it forms a spring just like the one in the photo. I find I have to act fast as the spring won't maintain its position for long.

5 - Next, I use a tiny bit of blue tac and stick the marble on the Formica. Carefully I positioned the spring such that it is placed just nicely on top of the marble. I attached an 80A filter to enhance the cold blue effect. A polarizing was utilized in this shot. Its function is to get rid of the unflattering flare and glare on the plastic bag and the marble.

6 - Next, I setup the tripod and my camera. After numerous attempts on the shutter/aperture combinations and not to mention re-curling and expanding the coil, I finally got this shot.




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