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Win my award!

Hey!! Well finally I got my award made up!! So anyways! Here is what it looks like~
Ambz.'s Hanson Dreamz Award
All you gotta do to win it is MAIL me with ur name, sites name, and sites addy! MmmK??? Good luck!!! Only a few winners will be choosen a week, but I am sure ALL the sites are gonna be AWESOME!!! Peace Luv and Bullet Proof Marshmallows!!!!

DO NOT TAKE THIS AWARD UNLESS U HAVE WON IT! THANX!!!! (I will mail the HTML to you IF you win!)

Ok so far 4 people have won this award! And I KNOW them both! So if I see my award on ur page and u didn't win it I will have to inflict violence upon u... hehehee... J/K but I love that saying~ however I WILL be VERY mad!! Boo bye!

