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Ambz.'s Hanson Dreamz


Hey everyone =0) My name is Amber and I could explain myself but that isn't the point of my NEWEST page =0) If you MUST know some more about me read about my boring life in the "About Ambz." part of the page k? KEWL... now onto~ HANSON!
green movey thingblue movey thingred movey thing

Electric arrow things

All animated Gif


Purchase movies on-line for low prices HERE!!! pik

color change ballHelp MmmBop be #1 on total request! HURRY!!!
color change ball Zac fax!
color change ball Tay fax!
color change ball Ike fax!
color change ball Ambz. fax!
color change ball Hanson fax!
color change ball Hanson Linx!
color change ball Take my Hanson Survey!
color change ball Are you obsessed?
color change ball My note to Anti-Hanson's!
color change ball Get or sign up to be a Pen-Pal!
color change ball Boomerang Lyrix
color change ball MmmBop/3 Car Garage Lyrix
color change ball Middle of Nowhere Lyrix
color change ball Snowed In Lyrix
color change ball Cried Lyrix
color change ball Sign up for the newsletter!
color change ball View or Join my ICQ Group~ OR ICQ me!
color change ball View my pictures!
color change ball Win my award!
NeW!color change ball Read My Review/View my Tickets!
NeW!color change ballProject Hanson Day 98-99 HELP PLEASE!

Hey believe it or not most of my pix and stuff came from ME (or my OTHER site!)... please do NOT take without asking~ I will allow you to as long as you ask me first!!!

Nifty Starz

HEY!! All u PPL out there! GO TO THIS PAGE FOR THE KEWLEST BACKGROUNDS AROUND!!! Steph's GIFS -n- stuff! Go there or I will get a big hairy monster after ya!!!!! GO!! GET GOING!!! (ok... j/k bout the monster part!!)

spiral move

sign g-book animated book view g-book
Guestbook by GuestWorld

Some graphics on my page are provided by a friend and you can have them to by going to Steph's Gifs 'N Stuff (HINT HINT!!!)

Like this page?? Well here is another spiffy Hanson page by my VERY good friend Joes! GO here ~~~> Joes' Hanson hang Out... GO THERE! Thank you!! (I am SOOOO demanding aren't I??? Heheheeee)
