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All about Hanson!

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MmmK! Hanson~ 3 brothers, who live in Tulsa! Blonde hair, 2 with eyes of brown and the other with blue! They stole the hearts of the young and the old with their debut smash "MmmBop" and continued their sucsess with singles such as Where's the Love, I Will Come to You, Weird, and lastly River... but no one coulda have guessed they would be this big! There are thousands of web-sites listed on the net under pro-Hanson... and this site is one of dem pro-Hanson sites too by the way! But Hanson's sucsess was in NO way over-night! They started when the youngest member (Zac!) was just 6 making Tay 9 and Ike 11! And for musicians that is quite young! Anyways! They were turned down several times for a record label... but that didn't stop them! They produced 2 independent alblums (Boomerang & MmmBop) and were finally signed! And thank goodness someone finally signed them cuz imagine what the world would be without Hanson!? Yucko! So anyways! The music that got them signed is available to the public in the alblum title 3 Car Garage~ a "re-release" of MmmBop the alblum in a way. It debuted "ezactly" a year and 6 days after their debut alblum "Middle of Nowhere" hit the stands! And lets not forget the ever imortant date of November 18th 1997... aka the release of "Snowed In" Hanson's X-mas alblum! Ok so now we know WHO they are and HOW they became famous... but let's look at family! Now out-growing the Brady Bunch the family is made up of Mom and Dad Diana and Walker, 4 boys...Mackie, Zac, Tay, Ike and 3 girls...Avie, Jessie and newborn Zoe (who is now 7 months old!! AWWWW!!!). The Hanson family follows the eldest bros. wherever they go! Such a tight nit family~ they keep their faith, religion, friends, and minds through all the fame! And although this isn't a total summary of Hanson's family, who they are and how they came about... it gives enuff detail to see the life of the 3 famous bros. from Tulsa who are doing what they love to do~ make music! Thanx and have a good MmmBopin day!!!


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