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All About Ike

color changing rainbow line
Ok! Lastly! Here is the eldest member of Hanson! He is currently 17 and will be 18 on November 17 (making him a Scorpio)! He was born in the year 1980. His full name is Clarke Issac Hanson meaning like his bro. Tay he goes by his MIDDLE name (whew tuffie there!!). K here we go AGAIN~ family~ mom: Diana... dad: Walker. He has 3 younger bros.~ Jordan Taylor, Zachary Walker, and Mackenzie~ and also 3 younger sisters~ Avery, Jessica, and newborn Zoe! Whew we got through that! Ok now into... I guess faves is next eh?? Oh wait he was born in Tulsa, OK.! AND his description~ blonde hair, brown eyes, he is about 5'10" (go to that Yahoo! chat transcript if ya don't believe me!!) and weighs app. 135 lbs... doesn't look it does he?? And one more thang before the faves~ he plays the guitar... and he sings lead on One Mintue Without You from "Middle of Nowhere"... I dunno which ones from "Snowed In" I will have to listen and see huh~ lastly~ Day Has Come (w/Tay), Two Tears,River, Surely As the Sun, Soldier, Pictures, and Sometimes from "MmmBop" and/or "3 Car Garage". NOW finally~ faves! LoL! Ok here we go with THIS! Heheheee! Umm fave color would be GREEN. Speed hockey, basketball, & rollerblading are his fave sports. He likes a lot of music besides the 50's & 60's ROCK 'N ROLL... here are a taste of his faves: Aerosmith, Blues Traveler, Mighty Mighty BossTones, Counting Crows, Spin Doctors, Alanis Morissette, No Doubt, a lot of R 'n B, and some country! Ok... fave fast food... pizza (is that a fast food??) anyways! He likes Science Fiction books and is also writing one presently! LoL! His fave resturaunt in Tulsa is Rex's Bonless Chicken (must be a family thang???). OK now this is not a funny thing!! I am typing a lot of this info. ATLEAST twice~ let's say these three are QUITE alike in MANY ways! LoL! Ok he likes the following foodS~ Lasagna, steak, and his dad's spaghetti. His fave icey cream flavor is VANILLA. Now into a TV/movie mode~ his fave shows are Seinfeld and Single Guy and his fave actors are Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, & Mel Gibson (Harrison Ford~ WHOO HOO!). Ok and back to music for a quik fakt~ his fave singer is Gwen Stefani of No Doubt! And uh.. thats all for dat! Ok here we go~ TID-BITZ!!! Hehehee! Trying to add humor!! Ok~ lessee... not gonna touch the sleepwear subject... PERVS.!!!!! Anyways! Here is his QUOTE: "Some people make fun of Hanson but ya know what I don't give a rip"... let's clarify this~ the ppl that make fun of Hanson... SUCCCKKK!! K... hada get that outta the system! Anyways! His musical inspirations are Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, The Four Tops, and all the original rock 'n rollers! O-tay~ I mean O-Ike??? Anyways~ He can do impressions of Kermit da Frog and Butthead! LOL!!! I love Beavis and Butthead!! Hehehee! Self description: "Stupid, goofy" (now isn't he... modest??). Ok onward to our goal of learnin bout IKE! LOL! And here we go again... Tay is a naughty ittle child isn't he?? Ok first off we learned bout Zac's nose... now we learn he poured glue in Ike's hair and they had to shave his head~ GEEZ TAY! LoL! And last but not least Tay found a love letter he wrote to a girl and was so disgusted he threw it away~ the girl never got it! HOW MEAN! Sure he didn't mean it... musta been the girls have cooties time in his life?? Still we all pity the chick that never got that letter!!!!!! Then AGAIN there are paybacks! This is kinda funnay... not to mentionin embarassing~ he once told tay to wipe his nose during an interview cuz "it was running" (good REASON!! LoL!). Paybacks suck eh Tay?? And umm here we go again I guess Tay has the last laff cuz he then told Ike on National TV later in life that now cared about the way his hair looked~ dang TAY! CHILL BE'S! Man he would think I was Weird cuz I do my hair every 2 hrs.!!!! LOL! And here's another pain... not caused by Tay (WHEW) Ike fell out of a plum tree once and sprained his ankle~ OWWWWIE (now you are all wondering what da 'ell he was doin in a friggin plum tree in the FIRST placE?!)!!! K... nextly! He always has a ring (a silver band) on his middle finger of his left hand! And he bought his first guitar at a pawn shop! *yawn* Ya know how Long I have been typing?? EEEK! Anyways only an ittle more!! He wrote the first Hanson song EVER in third grade (Rain Falling Down Wonder if it was in class!!!). Ok... lada di lada di! Ummm... he has braces (whew that is a tuffie to figure out). Most ppl see him as serious, but he is actually quite wacky at times! Hehehee! WACKOO!! J/K! He always Brings Pet turtle w/him on the road... awww! LoL! But I hear their NEW family member (NO NOT ZOE GOOFS!) is a doggie named Wicket! And he names his guitars after his crushes... wonder what his current guitar name is don't you Stephie??? LoL! Hehehee! Had to say that INSIDE joke! He shops @ the Gap and Old Navy... he can speak in a British accent (never heard him but... uh... Tay can too!!!). And lastly he keeps a diary~ WELL THEN!!! All done!!! For now!! Oh yeah did I mention Issac's nicks are Ike and Zac likes to call him Ikey-poos & Brace face (better watch it Zac you MAY need em!!) and Tay calls him Chewbacca?? Ok then!!! Hehehee!

e-mail pik And now it is UR turn to type! MAIL me more Ike info!!!

Here's a "quik pik"!!
Issac quik pik

