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All about Tay

Blue starz moving
Ok! Now for the "heart-throb"~ hey he may not be my fave~ but he is still drop-dead gorgeous!!! Anyways! Here we go! His full name is Jordan Taylor Hanson~ obviously he goes by his MIDDLE name! His is the "lead" vocalist on most of the Hanson CD's although he would NEVER admit it! Ok he also goes by the nicks: Tay & Tayles! And in case you haven't read about his family in one of the OTHER pages his mommy is Diana and his daddy is Walker! He has 2 ittle bros.~ Zachary Walker and Mackenzie (oddly enuff Mackenzie is said to be Zac's #1 fan!) and 1 older bro. Clarke Issac... he also has 3 younger sisters~ Avery, Jessica, and newborn Zoe! He was born in Jenks, Ok. (a suburb of Tulsa) Tay plays NUMEROUS instruments~ the keyboards, the congas, the tambourine and at a concert he even took Zac's place at drums for a while! MULTI-TALENTED! And OOOOHHHHH what a dreamy voice!! Tay was born March 14, 1983 (FYI: I am eZACtly 6 months older then Tay!!!) making him a Picses! He is presently 15! Anyways~ here is the quik fax~ his shoe size is 13 (read it SOMEWHERE) and he is 5'9" and that is STRAIGHT from Issac's mouth on the Yahoo! chat transcript.... he weighs about 118~ although he looks about 110~ he has DREAMY blue eyes and blonde hair! Ok... now into some of his faves~ this MAY take a while!!! Hehehee! O-tay~ first and formost~ his fave color is RED (get the background color???) His fave sports are~ Soccer, speed hockey, basketball, & rollerblading! Quite active! LoL! Let's move on to cartoons~ nimaniacs, Beavis and Butthead, & Freakazoid... couch potato!! J/K Ok his fave school subs. are~ Computer Arts and Literature! Hmmm... I like... lunch?? ANYWAYS! His fave music is (besides that good 'ole 50's and 60's ROCK 'N ROLL) No Doubt, Counting Crows, Phish, Blues Traveler, Spin Doctors, Alanis Morissette, Billy Joel, Natalie Merchant, Otis Redding, & Chuck Berry~ obviously a music fan!! LoL! Ok~ next thang! His fave actor is Tom Cruise (DANG GOOD CHOICE) and his fave actress is Jennifer Aniston! He also likes laser tag and his fave clothes are his maroon sports jersey & baggy pants... nice style!! Anyways! His fave Spice Girl (or so I read) is Baby Spice (Emma Bunton)! He wears CK BE cologne and his fave football team is the Miami Dolphins! His fave sweets consist of RED JELLY-BEANS, strawberry ice cream, and mom's home-cooked brownies (his mom ya geeks not mine!). His fave FOODS areCocoa Puffs, Burritos, steak, mashed potatoes, cheeseburger w/everything, chicken, ribs, pizza, fish, & McDonald's. His fave movie is said to be Star Wars! He also likes Casey's Top 40 (the radio show~ NOW American Top 40)! His fave drink is said to be Spring Water and Mugs Root Beer! Also just a note~ he likes hiking boots... besides Adidas and Doc Martens! Ok now for some tid-bitz~ and I can here you all groaning now~ SHAT AP! I am TRYING to be amusing here!! And if Hanson don't amuse ya then why da 'ell are you here?? Ok he DOES wear a retainer at times... he is known to be accident prone (poor Tay he got dissed~ well as long as it da truth!) Anyways~ he sleeps in... umm... I know but lets not go there~ what the guy sleeps in is HIS business NOT urs~ geez ppl!! ANYWAYS! He likes to draw like Zac and he also helped his vros. in constructing their treehouse in their backyard! He is a perfectionest! And one bad habit~ he taps on like EVERYTHING! O-tay then! So as I was saying! LoL! He shops at the Gap! And I am sure Jason Browning (his ruff tuff bodyguard~ whom I heard is nice at MOST times). He has chokers~ like the Star of David, a cross, and a soccer ball. He uses Flex Shampoo and Colgate toothpaste~ I think... better yet I READ! He is the DREAMER of the group (I dunno if that means FAMILY or HANSON the MUSICAL GROUP!) And if you see a scar on his chin that would be from when he ran into a glass door when he was ittle~ he also broke his arm on a bike~ back to the accident prone thang?? ANYWAYS~ he did save the arm cast (thrills and chills eh??). Well he USED to have a "rat-tail" but he chopped it... no word on why he done gone and did it! He admits he and his bros. are a TAD messy~ don't go near their closet u MAY be attacked by killer dirty socks! Heheheee! Ok he keeps a journal... awww!! Ok I guess they all do~ but NEways! When he was young he NEVER took off his fave baseball cap (umm..... can we say... shower.... with cap on?? Ummmm.... NO). Ok NEXT topic~ his toothbrush color is Aqua~ well then~ now that we all know that we shall no doubtedly SLEEP better! He says "That's cool!" and "Weird" a lot (take for instance the song??). He describes himself as "The Quiet One" (how sweet!!). He also has a Tobisha lap-top and he loves to surf the net~ HEY! Tay is ya ever read this could ya confirm some of this???? LoL! OK NOW I AM DESPERATE!! And I am ALSO told when he smiles there is a dimple in his right cheek (Awwwwww!!!!!) Ok... thats all~ FOR NOW! LoL! =0)

e-mail pikMAIL ME if you know more~ or I shall have to kill you all!!! J/K!! LoL!

Here's a Tay "quik pik"
Tay Quik pik

