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All About Zac

color changing ballz
Ok~ here are some known and possibly not so known facts about my personal fave~ Zac!

Ok first off... his full name is Zachary Walker Hanson! Zac was born in Arlington Va. on the date of October 22, 1985... meaning he will be 13 on Oct. 22, 1998!!! Go Zac!! In case ya didn't know or figure it out Zac is a Libra! Anyways a little family info~ they're famous! Ok but for really his mom and dad are Diana and Walker... he has 2 older bros. Clrake Issac and Jordan Taylor (probably the MOST well known of the family besides Zac himself) He has a younger bro~ Mackenzie~ and 3 younger sibs. ~including newborn Zoe, Jessica, and Avery. Ok some quik fax~ Zac is reportedly about 5'4" & 1/2 (check out Yahoo! chat transcripts) and last time I knew he weighed in about 96 lbs. now although he may be more around 100 lbs. still to all you friggin HATERZ he is soooo NOT FAT! Get that through your thick skullz!!! And for those of you who have not seen Zac... buy a magazine... hehehee... j/k~ he has blonde hair and brown eyes~ and he is the CUTEST guy alive (this IS coming from a 15 yr. old!!). Ok as for Zac's nicknames~ well he calls Hanson's fans the SCREAM SQUAD (appropriately enuff)~ but his nicks are Zac (DUHH), Animal, Prozac... yada yada yada!! And as for his taste in music~ he most likely likes the ssame stuff you do Alanis Morissette, Aerosmith, Boyz II Men, En Vogue... all that stuff as well as 50's and 60's ROCK 'N ROLL! And of course he likes the Power Rangers (I'm sure it'z just a phase... hehehehe) and he collects Lego's with his bros~ he also has an obsession with those ittle shampoo bottles from all those hotels Hanson was at~ and he loves to spend ANY free time skateboarding or playing laser quest and his latest fad is DIRT-BIKES!! Oh yeah 'nother tid-bit~ he loves Doc-Martens~ ALL COLORS!! Hehehee! His "self description" is: "Romantic one and the funny, goofy one" and he is known as the WACKY Hanson bro. although he CLAIMS he is just soooooo shy he acts wacky! Anyways! His bro Tay broke his nose in the YOUNGER yrs. with a catapault and a rock (OOOWWWWWWW!! That hada hurt) and he has had a FEW embarassing stage incidents.... such as the time he fell off his stool during a solo and the time the bass drum came loose and the three bros. had to give chase... he also got himself sooooo nervous he got sick before a performance luckily Tay and Ike managed to calm him down... also that time when the ppl booed him and made him cry (those little &*(#^@*&#%^&*@#^&*@$^&^@$&^W&%@!#%!@**!)(@*(!)*!@&*#^&!Q#.... k~ I am done now)... that's about it for that catagory... onto QUOTES~ "Look at that cute girl~ oh wait it's me!" "We're brothers- we can't split up." "Save a tree, kill a beaver." and the IMFAMOUS~ "Peace, Love, and Bulletproof Marshmallows!" The END! Or not... more Zac fax!! LoL! Ok here is something I wish would happen to ME~ once a girl was too nervous to come up on-stage and get a shirt so Zac went out and carried her onto the stage~ AHHH! I would literally DIE!!! And folkz here is an oddball fact~ Zac can talk while burping... ALL RIGHTY THEN.... speaking of Jim Carey Zac is said to be a Jim Carey in training~ MOVE OVER JIM CAREY!!! Hehehee!! Ok in case you couldn't GUESS Zac plays the drums~ Hmmm... that was a hard fact to FIND... anyways~ he sings lead on a few songz~ like Lucy and Man From Milwaukee on "Middle of Nowhere" and What Christmas Means to me, Rockin Around the Christmas Tree, and most of Silent Night Medley on "Snowed In" I am also told that he singz Stories on "3 Car Garage" and/or the indy alblum "MmmBop"~ not sure! Ok his faves~ Let's see he likes the color BLUE the best... and his fave school subject is MATH and his fave foods areLasagna, hot dogs, pepperoni pizza, McDonald's, and Rex's Bonless Chicken in Tulsa... His Fave desserts are Jello, Ding Dongs, Twinkies, and chocolate ice cream... he also likes Dr. Pepper to drink! And he also LOVES to draw~ he and Tay are perty good! Soccer, rollerblading, speed hockey, in-line skating, basketball, & skateboarding are his fave sports~ he likes to watch ACTION movies... faves were listed as Total Recall and TWISTER (a personal fave!!!) Ok more tid-bitz~ He likes to say D'oh (Like Homer Simpson) and some REAL tid-bitz~ I hear his toothbrush color is GREEN and he is left-handed! Wow thatz a mouthful! But that is all for now!! =0(

e-mail pikE-mail Me with some more~ PLLLEEEEAAASSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Here's a "quik pik"
Zac pik

