Authors the Great Celestrial WeeSaul
and the AntiCrust like...
Highly recommended reading, especially "Dune" and "Chapterhouse: Dune"
A man light years ahead of his time...
Have towel, will travel...
If the truth must be known...
She may keep her soul...
I just want her for her body.
Who I am most honoured to have said, "Howdy" to...
And humbled by an actual reply...
Support the Disciples of the AntiCrust!
Buy many, many of her books...
The Chairman says...
Better read than dead, bay-bee!
Good stuff and such...
Reality based which can be entertaining...
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Don't choke on it...
Skinny-legs and all...
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
...and a partridge in a pear tree?
The Lost Saber...
Legendary, simply legendary...
Clark Kent's true identity...
But, I Kan...
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.
Not Simpson, the dead guy...
Puttering About in a Wee Land?
Books the Great Celestrial WeeSaul
and the AntiCrust like...
Outlaw School
Though I am not mentioned in the book, I still would like everyone to buy at least one copy...
The Engines of God
Great book, a must read, dammit!
Possibly the greatest book ever written...
Heretics of Dune
My kinda people...
Chapterhouse: Dune
Possibly the second greatest book ever written...
Stranger in a Strange Land
The story of my life...
Flying to Valhalla
Party time!!!!
The Papyrus of Ani
I'm not quite dead yet...
Popol Vuh
Who's on Faust?
I don't know.
Third base...
The best song Iron Butterfly ever recorded...
Subjects that Great Celestrial WeeSaul and the AntiCrust like to read and just enjoy, don't bother asking us why, OK?
Search for Robotics
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Search for Mechanical Design
Search for Religion
Search for Philosophy
Just a word from the Great Celestrial WeeSaul and the AntiCrust...
Wee are not providing these links to make a buck and the money is not at all important us, Wee feel that maybe you should read a good book once in a while...
So, get your head out from behind that monitor and pick yourself up something to read...
It will surely be more entertaining than 95% of the stuff on the Web...