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This is a style that I read about in "Brew your own" magazine.What this is is one mash multiple beers.The style isn't called 2fers,thats the name I gave it.With one mash I got 2 batches of beer.One with a gravity around 1.060 the other with a gravity around 1.030.A full body and a light body in one mash.The ingrediants are large but remember there is two beers here.



Brewing Instructions:

Glutamine rest at 100f. for 10 min.Raise to 122f. for 30min.Raise to 150 for 45min.Raise to 165f. for 10min.When you sparge this only add enough water to accumulate 4 gallons.DO NOT run the run off through again.This is your first beer.Gravity should be around 1.060.If its not,don't worry.Next in a seperate kettle sparge the grains with 165f.water and accumulate 4 more gallons.This is your second beer and the gravity should be about 1.030.

The first beer

This is the beer with the gravity of about 1.060.Boil the for 60min. adding the Tettnang and Bullions at the beggining of the boil.After 30min. add 1/2 oz. of the Fuggles.After 45min. add the irish moss.After 55 min. add the rest of the Fuggles.Cool to 75-80 and pitch all 3 packs of Champagne yeast.While in the secondary add the Hallertaur to dry hop.

The second beer

Not Yet Rated

This is the beer with the gravity of about 1.030.Boil the for 60min. adding the Saaz at the beggining of the boil.After 30min.add the Mt.hoods. After 45min. add the irish moss.Cool to 75-80 and pitch the 1/2 gallon starter.This is a lager yeast but I fermented at ale temps.If you have the ability to lager by all means do it.This had a little accident.While under pressure the dispensing head blew off of the keg and beer went all over. I'll have to make this one again to see how it is.

Email: Steve or Al

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