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Oatmeal Stout
A style of stout brewed with oatmeal. Oatmeal was used for its nutritive qualities as well as its ability to impart fullness of body and flavor.

A bottom-fermented Vienna- or marzen-style beer, originally brewed for Germany's Oktoberfest celebration. Copper-colored, malty, and sweet.

Old Ale
In Britain, a medium-strong dark ale most often consumed in winter.

Original Gravity
The density of the wort prior to fermentation, expressed as a ratio as compared to the density of water. A measure of the amount of solids in the wort.

When a packaged beer is stored for a period of time, it stales, or oxidizes. Different beers stale at different rates and develop off flavors. The rate of oxidation goes up as the temperature goes up. Oxidation is familiar to drinkers as a papery or cardboard like character in both taste and aroma.

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