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American Wheat III


No.2 came out well so I made another batch with different yeast and some more hops.It is not as dry or as light as No.2 but it is still good. This has a slight American Lager taste,which is ok,if you like that sort of thing. Personally,that's not for me.The head retention was great.



Brewing Instructions:

Rest at 95 for8 min.Raise to 120f for 30 min.Raise to 152f. for 60 min. Raise to 170f.for 5 min.Sparge with 160f. for 45-60min.and accumulate 4 gallons of wort.Boil for 75min.adding 1 1/4 oz. tetnang at beginning of boilA After 55 min. have gone by add 1/4 oz.tettnang and 1/2 oz.fuggles.After 60min. add irish moss.After 70 min. add the final 1/4 oz.tettnang and the final 1/2 oz. fuggles.Add the boiled wort into a fermentor with 2 1/2 gallons of cold spring water and pitch yeast.This will give you about 6 gallons of beer.

Email: Steve or Al

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