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American Wheat 4


As you can tell I like this Grain Bill and once again I made a few changes. Different hops and a different yeast. Not quite as many hops as in #3.A very very good beer after only 2 weeks.Well carbonated with a good head.In the Hops Bops competition this took a 30 out pf a possible 50 points.



Brewing Instructions:

Protien rest at 120f for 30 min.Raise to 145f. for 90 min.Raise to 170f. for 5 min.Sparge with 160f. 3x and accumulate 4 gallons of wort. Boil for 75min.adding 3/4oz. Hallertau at beginning of boil.After 55 min. have gone by add the Saaz.After 60min.add irish moss. After 70 add the Ultras. Cool to 75-80f.and add the yeast.

Email: Steve or Al

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