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Carmel Cream Ale


Do you remember when you were young and you would get the carmel creams? You know,the carmel pieces with the cream in the middle and when you bit into them the cream would mix with the carmel and it was OHHH so good.I don't think that this is going to taste like that but I did use Crystal 60 with a Cream Ale recipe.



Brewing Instructions:

Mash all grains at 122f for 30 min. Raise to 145f for 45 min.Raise to 155f for 45 min. Raise to 178f for 5 min.Sparge 3x and accumulate 3 1/2 gallons of water.Boil this for 60 min. adding hops,Irish moss,and corn sugar at designated times. Cool to 90. Rack into fermentor and top off with cold water.Pitch both yeast and ferment at 65-70f. After fermentation is done rack to secondary and lager for three weeks.Bottle as usual

Email: Steve or Al

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