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Chili 1


Never made it and don't expect to.So because of this I can;t rate it.



Brewing Instructions:

Place grains in 1 1/5 gallons of water and bring this to 155f. and let steep for 1/2 hour.Sparge with 1/2 gallon of water.Add extract, D.M.E, and sugar and bring to a boil.At onset of boil add the Kents.After 30 min. add 1/2 oz. of Saaz.After 45 min. add 1/2 oz. Saaz and the peppers.Boil for 15 min. and remove from heat. Add the remaining hops and let sit covered for 15 min.Remove peppers.Put 3 gallons of water into the fermentor and add the wort. Top off if needed to make 5 1/4 gallons.Pitch yeast and ferment.


Email: Steve or Al

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