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Light Chocolate Stout


This is a well balanced, roasty chocolate flavored porter which can be served at room temperatures or chilled. This batch has proved to be very good! I actually prefer it served at room temperature, but it's good whether room temp or chilled. If you love chocolate, you'll love this. If you don't like chocolate, why are you reading this? :) Enjoy!!



Brewing Instructions:

Add black patent, roasted barley, and crystal 20L to 1.5 gallons cold water. Crank up the heat. In the meantime, heat 1 gallon of water to 170F in a separate stainless-steel pot. When the pot with the grains in it comes to a boil, remove them (the grains) immediately. Sparge the grains with the 170F water that you heated previously. You should now have about 2.5 gallons of water/grain concoction. Bring this to a boil and then remove from the heat. Add molasses, brown sugar, dark extract, and the bakers chocolate (n.b. this is not choclate malt). Bring this to a boil. When boiling commences, add the bittering hops (Perle and E. Kent). Boil for 60 minutes total. With 15 minutes left in the boil, add Irish Moss. With 4 minutes left in the boil, add the Tettnager hop pellets. Cool to about 80F and add to fermenter. Add enough water to yield 5 gallons. Rehydrate the yeast and pitch it. That's it!


Email: Steve or Al

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