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Cherry Wheat 2


I wasn't real happy with the first cherry wheat,it was good,but not what I was looking for.I made some alterations to this one and I think it will be much better.



Brewing Instructions:

Step mash all grains at 100f for 10min.Raise to 125f for 20min.Raise to 135f for 30min.Raise to 155 for 30min.Raise to 168f for 10 min. Sparge untill you get 4 gallons of liquor.Keep running the liquor through the grain bed for about 45min. to extract all or most of the sugars.Boil this for 60 min adding 1/2 oz. of the hop blend at the beggining of the boil. With 20 min. left add another 1/2 oz. along with the irish moss.With 2 min. left add the remaining hops.Cool to 80 and pitch yeast starter.Ferment for one week.After a week thaw,crush,and steep the cherries fo 1 1/2 hours. Rack the wort into a glass carboy and add the cherries this will start to ferment again for about another week.When this is done rack into a secondary with the polyclar for one week.Then bottle with corn sugar and condition as you normally would.


Email: Steve or Al

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