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American Honey Wheat Ale


I brewed this Feb 14. Smelled great while brewing, tased great while transferring into fermenter. I'm very excited about this one and feel that it could be my best yet. We'll know in a few weeks.



Brewing Instructions:

Bring 5 quarts of water to 130F. Add grains. Should yield a temp around 125. Keep at 127F for 30 minutes. Raise temp. to 133F for 15 minutes. Kick the temp up again to 150F for 90 minutes. Finally, bring the temp up to 162F for 10 minutes. Strain and sparge with 2 gallons of 170F water. Bring this to a boil. Add 1 oz. Hallertau. Boil for 20 minutes and add 1/2 oz. Tettnang hops for flavor. Boil for 10 more minutes and add 1/2 oz. Hallertau and 1/6 oz. Fuggles for aroma. Also add Irish moss and honey at this juncture. Boil for 10 more minutes. Cool to 80. Add to fermenter then pitch yeast.


Email: Steve or Al

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