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Al's Red


I really have no idea what I was trying to accomplish here.I had some grains just sitting around that were calling out to me to be mashed.So like any good homebrewer would do I submitted to their wishes and mashed them. This turned out real nice.The color is golden and crystal clear,just a little lighter than a lager.It's only been bottled for about ten days but I had to try one.At this point it has good bittering qualities but I know that they will mellow. As far as taste,it seems a little light but thats O.K.for me.



Brewing Instruction:

Mash grains at 158F for 45 min.Sparge grains with 168F water to get 1 1/2 gallons of liquor.Bake oak chips at 350 for 30 min.Bring to a boil and add bittering hop (Tettnangers and challengers)as well as DME.As the wort started to foam at the beggining I spooned out the foam.(Why did I do this, because I was bored). At th 60 min. point I added the East Kents and boiled for 5 more min.(Total 65 min. to this point). At the 65 min. mark I added the Irish moss and oak chips and boiled for 15 more min. Cool with wort cooler to 80F and pitched reconstituted yeast.Ferment and bottle as usual.


Email: Steve or Al

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