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Winter Ale

Not Rated


I myself do not like spiced beer. Although I've had a few people ask me for a spiced beer reipe I fealt that I should include it on the page. This recipe was taken from The Brewmasters Bible with some tweeking of my own



Brewing Instructions:

Steep black pattent and crystal in 155f water for 30-45 min. While this is happening bring 3 gallons of water to a boil. After the graing are done steeping rinse with 1 gallon of 170f water into the boil pot. When the water comes to a boil remove from heat and add the extract. Bring back to a boil and add the Cascades. Boil this for 35 min. and then add the saaz and the orangr peel. Boil for 5 more min. and then cool. Add this to your fermentor with enough water to make 5 1/2 gallons. At this time add cinnamon sticks, ginger,and yeast. Ferrment as normal and use a secondary if you desire.


Email: Steve or Al

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